Chandra Deep Field - South

Web resources:

    1Ms CDF (maintained by V. Mainieri-ESO)

    2 Ms CDFs + ECDFS (Niel Brandt-PSU)

We have been acquiring optical and near-infrared spectra of X-ray sources in the Extended CDF-S (Lehmer et al. 2005) including the central 4 Ms area with both the Very Large Telescope, Keck and Subaru telescopes.

Here we provide links to the data products:

Multiwavelength catalogs of E-CDF-S and 2 Ms sources that includes the following:

  1. Optical and near-infrared counterparts

  2. Compilation of new spectroscopic redshift and all published values (e.g., Szokoly et al. 2004)

  3. Newly-derived photometric redshifts from the CDF-S team (Luo et al. 2010; Rafferty et al. 2010)

Optical spectra

  1. Fits formats

  2. Flux-calibrated

Near-infrared spectra (password required at this time)

* Inquiries can be made for access to

spectra (fits format) that are not yet directly 

available on this site (Email:

For further details, see ``The Extended Chandra Deep Field - South Survey: Optical spectroscopy of faint X-ray sources with the VLT and Keck, J. D. Silverman, V. Mainieri, M. Salvato, G. Hasinger et al. , ApJS, 2010, 191, 124

Wavelength (Å)