[Name]              Kiyoto Yabe
[Affiliation]       Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (IPMU)
[Office]            A18
[Address]           5-1-5 Kashiwanoha, Kashiwa, 277-8583, Japan
[E-mail]            kiyoto.yabe "at" ipmu.jp
[Phone]             ex. 3535
[Research Intersts] Observational Astronomy,Galaxy Formation and Evolution

[Education]         2007  Bachelor of Science, Physics and Astrophysics, Kyoto University
                    2009  Master of Science, Physics and Astrophysics, Kyoto University
                    2012  Ph.D., Physics and Astrophysics, Kyoto University
[Employment]        2010-2012  JSPS Research Fellow for Young Scientists
                    2012-2015  Project Researcher, NAOJ
                    2015-Now   Project Researcher, Kavli IPMU

[Skills]            Language: Japanese(Native), English(Fluent)
                    Computer: C,Python,Perl,HTML,LaTeX,UNIX  
