
Moduli Stabilization in Stringy ISS Models


Dynamical supersymmetry breaking (DSB) is an appealing possibility since it provides a natural solution to the hierachy problem. It is thus of great importance to consider string-theoretic realization of DSB, but so far almost all models are in the non-compact global SUSY limit, where moduli are fixed by hand. In this talk, we present a stringy realization of the ISS metastable SUSY breaking model with moduli stabilization (based on arXiv:0710.0001, in collaboration with Yu Nakayama and T.T. Yanagida). The mass moduli of the ISS model is stabilized by gauging of a U(1) symmetry and its D-term potential. This talk is devided into two parts. In the first half of this talk, I review the ISS model and discuss the basic idea in field theory language. This part requires no knowledge of string theory. In the second half, I will explain how to embed the model into string theory.