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Joint Pre-selection Scheme for the GSGC + Regular Course (enrollment in October, 2025)

for students interested in particle theory faculty members K. Hamaguchi, S. Hellerman, K. Hori, M. Ibe, S. Matsumoto, T. Melia, T. Moroi, H. Murayama, Y. Tachikawa, T. Watari and M. Yamazaki.

See below for the schedule of the pre-selection process in 2024/2025.

Please be aware that that the official selection process run by the Graduate School of Science at U. Tokyo requires both the GRE subject test and TOEFL iBT (except for native speakers). So, please pay attention to the dates of those tests, too. This page only deals with the pre-selection process.

Links to More Information

Koichi Hamaguchi (Hongo campus)

Simeon J. Hellerman (Kashiwa campus (Kavli IPMU))

Kentaro Hori (Kashiwa campus (Kavli IPMU))

Masahiro Ibe (Kashiwa campus (Institute for Cosmic Ray Research))

Shigeki Matsumoto (Kashiwa campus (Kavli IPMU))

Thomas E. Melia (Kashiwa campus (Kavli IPMU))

Takeo Moroi (Hongo campus)

Hitoshi Murayama (Kashiwa campus (Kavli IPMU))

Yuji Tachikawa (Kashiwa campus (Kavli IPMU))

Taizan Watari (Kashiwa campus (Kavli IPMU))

Masahito Yamazaki

Joint Pre-selction Scheme

To Apply

The applicaiton period starts at some point in middle of October 2024, and ends at November 17 (Sun) 23:59 GMT.

Online Application Form (image)       for students enrolling in autumn 2025 is NOT ready yet.
(We use a server placed outside of the Univ. Tokyo. No concern for a phishing despite its URL).

To apply for this joint pre-selection, please fill in basic information in the Online Application Form above, and also upload three document files there. The three documents are a part of the documents required in the official selection process by the Graduate School of Science. The documents (8) and (9) for the pre-selection here do not have to be the same as the version to be submitted to the Graduate School of Science for the official selection process.

In the application form, you are asked to choose whether you wish to be considered for studnets in the GSGC, and/or in the regular course enrolling in October. You are also supposed to specify the order of preference for your thesis advisor among the faculty members joining this pre-selection scheme.

Once you complete filling in information and uploading files in the application form, you will receive a confirmation e-mail from us, which also includes further instructions on this pre-selection scheme. We recommend not to wait until the last moment of the application period.

We decline applications from those who took this joint-preselection process in 2022/23 or 2023/24.

November 23--24th (weekend), 2024

We require the applicants to have themselves available online for this pre-selection process during the following time period in the weekend of November 23--24th, 2024. If it is not possible to secure 5 hours and a half in this weekend, we must say sorry.

We will also contact the applicants on-line for more follow-ups after this weekend, before making our decisions.

More instruction will be provided after submitting the application documents.

Notification of the Result of This Pre-selection and the Next Step, the Official Selection

We will notify the result of this pre-selection no later than the end of December, 2024, to the individual applicants through e-mail. If the e-mail from us indicates that one of us is happy to take you as a graduate student, then you can proceed to the official selection by the Graduate School of Science, the University of Tokyo.

The application form of the official selection is HERE (GSGC), and HERE (regular course). You are required there to attach an evidence that one of the faculty members of the Physics Major Course is happy to take you as a graduate student. The e-mail from us is expected to be used also for that purpose.

The pre-selection process (like this one) and the official selection by the Graduate School of Science of the University of Tokyo should be regarded as two separate stages of the admission process. Although we require in this pre-selection some of the application documents that are required in the official selection, those application documents are not automatically forwarded for the official selection. You need to upload those files once again through the application form of the Graduate School of Science.