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updated in October, 2021.
Research Interests
My research papers in the last several years are concerned about
string duality, mathematics seen through the glasses of string theory, and
particle-physics applications of string theory (non-perturbabtive aspects
in hadron high-energy scattering, unified theory, and inflation).
In the following, links are provided to (the abstracts and
pdf copies of) some of my papers that reflect my taste in science well.
My recent research interests are in these subjects
A series of papers under the theme of "Elementary Particle Physics
after the Revolution of String Duality"
my first paper:
Proton Decay, Yukawa Couplings and Underlying Gauge Symmetry in String Theory (Feb/06) with Radu Tatar
on F-theory:
New Aspects of Heterotic--F Theory Duality (May/08)
with Hirotaka Hayashi, Radu Tatar, Yukinobu Toda and Masahito Yamazaki
Codimension-3 Singularities and Yukawa Couplings in F-theory
(Jan/09) with Hirotaka Hayashi, Teruhiko Kawano, Radu Tatar
on the generation structure of elementary particles
Right-handed Neutrinos in F-theory Compactifications
(May/09) coauthor: Radu Tatar, Yoichi Tsuchiya
Flavor Structure in F-theory Compactifications
(Oct/09) coauthor: H. Hayashi, T. Kawano, Y.suchiya
on the statistics of vacua of string theory:
Statistics of Flux Vacua for Particle Physics (June/15)
A study of hadron high-energy scattering using holography
Skewness Dependence of GPD, Conformal OPE and AdS/CFT Correspondence
(Aug/14) coauthor: Ryoichi Nishio
High-Energy Photon--Hadron Scattering in Holographic QCD (May/11) with Ryoichi Nishio
Works with a little more mathematical taste
On the Classification of Elliptic Fibrations modulo Isomorphism
on K3 Surfaces with Large Picard Number
(Dec/13) coauthor: Andreas Braun and Yusuke Kimura
The Vertical, the horizontal and the rest:--anatomy of the middle cohomology of Calabi--Yau foufolds and F-theory applications-- (Aug/14) with Andreas Braun
On Inflation and Dark Energy
Supergravity Analysis of Hybrid Inflation Model from D3--D7 System
(Nov/03) coauthor: Fumikazu Koyama, Yuji Tachikawa 
Density Perturbations and the Cosmological Constant from Inflationary
(June/05) coauthor: Brian Feldstein, Lawrence Hall
Revisiting Arithmetic Solutions to the W=0 Condition
(May/17) coauthor: Keita Kanno