Henry Liu

Equivariant K-theory (TCC, Trinity 2022)

The course will be informal and questions/discussions are encouraged. Notes will be uploaded after each class (links in the schedule below). If your institution is not part of the TCC network but you would like to attend the course, please email me.


K-theory \(K(X)\) is a kind of cohomology theory which deals with sheaves and vector bundles on \(X\), and equivariance keeps track of any relevant symmetries \(\mathsf{G}\) of \(X\). Taken together, equivariant K-theory \(K_{\mathsf{G}}(X)\) merges aspects of both the ordinary cohomology of \(X\) and the representation theory of \(\mathsf{G}\). It is a productive setting for many geometric problems, e.g. deformation theory and modern enumerative geometry.

In the first half of this course, we introduce equivariant (algebraic) K-theory as a functor and focus on how to use K-theoretic tools to do concrete, explicit computations (on toric varieties, flag manifolds, etc.) These computations are perhaps conceptually simpler than their cohomological analogues; sheaves and vector bundles tend to be more natural than their characteristic classes. Along the way we also zoom out and discuss K-theory abstractly as a cohomology theory and its relation to its little sibling, ordinary cohomology, and its bigger sibling, elliptic cohomology.

In the second half of this course, we highlight some major advances of the last few decades that use equivariant K-theory in a crucial way. (See the schedule below for details.)


I will assume some background knowledge in:

Familiarity with toric geometry and characteristic classes will also be useful, but not required.



Week 1 Topological and algebraic K-theory. Functoriality and equivariance. Resolution of the diagonal and generators of the K-theory ring. Thom isomorphism. (Lecture 1 notes, Lecture 2 notes)
Week 2 Excision long exact sequence. Equivariant localization. An example: Weyl character formula. Rigidity arguments in place of cohomological vanishing. (Lecture 3 notes, Lecture 4 notes)
Week 3 A comparison of cohomology and K-theory, especially for Deligne–Mumford stacks. Borel-equivariant K-theory and Atiyah–Segal. An example over the moduli stack of elliptic curves. (Lecture 5 notes, Lecture 6 notes)
Week 4 Some broad perspective: elliptic cohomology and unitary cobordism, and \(\mathrm{Spec}(K_{\mathsf{G}})\) vs \(K_{\mathsf{G}}\) itself. (Lecture 7 notes, Lecture 8 notes)
Week 5 A modern example: Hilbert scheme of points on \(\mathbb{C}^2\), K-theoretic Nekrasov theory, factorization. (Lecture 9 notes, Lecture 10 notes)
Week 6 A combinatorial application: Macdonald positivity and Garsia–Haiman's \(n!\) and \((n+1)^{n-1}\) conjectures. (Lecture 11 notes, Lecture 12 notes)
Week 7 Introduction to geometric representation theory. Affine Hecke algebras as the equivariant K-theory of Steinberg varieties. (Lecture 13 notes, Lecture 14 notes)
Week 8 Geometric representation theory of quantum loop algebras: Nakajima quiver varieties, stable envelopes, and the quantum group action on equivariant K-theory. (Lecture 15 notes, Lecture 16 notes)