
Program (tentative)

Oct.10 (Mon.)
10:45 -- 11:45 G.Williamson (MPI and RIMS)
Representations of algebraic groups and Koszul duality
13:45 -- 14:45 M.Watanabe (Preferred Networks, inc.)
Schubert polynomials and Kraskiewicz-Pragacz modules
15:00 -- 16:00 I.Losev (Northeastern)
Hecke algebras for complex reflection groups
16:15 -- 17:15 A.Negut (MIT)
17:30 -- 18:30 A.Negut (MIT)
From Khovanov homology to Hilbert schemes of points
Oct.11 (Tue.)
9:30 -- 10:30 X.Zhu (Caltech)
Kloosterman D-modules and Hitchin system with ramification
10:45 -- 11:45 T.Kuwabara (Tsukuba)
Vertex algebras associated with the Hamiltonian reduction for hypertoric varieties
13:00 -- 13:30 Reimbursement at RIMS 110 participants from abroad
13:45 -- 14:45 A.Smirnov (Berkeley)
Rationality of descendants in quantum K-theory
15:00 -- 16:00 S.Naito (Titech)
Standard monomial theory for semi-infinite LS paths with geometric application
16:15 -- 17:15 H.Williams (Texas)
Cluster Theory of the Coherent Satake Category
Oct.12 (Wed.)
9:00 -- 10:00 T.Ikeda (Okayama)
Quantum K-theory of flag variety and K-homology of affine Grassmannian
10:15 -- 11:15 A.Weekes (Perimeter Institute)
Cohomology rings of quiver varieties, and a conjecture of Hikita
11:30 -- 12:30 S.Yanagida (Nagoya)
Factorization space and deformation of Liouville CFT
Oct.13 (Thu.)
9:30 -- 10:30 M.Kashiwara (RIMS)
Monoidal categorification of cluster algebras by quiver Hecke algebras
10:45 -- 11:45 V.Ostrik (Oregon)
A sign in the associativity constraint
13:45 -- 14:45 R.Kodera (Kyoto)
Quantized Coulomb branches of Jordan quiver gauge theories and cyclotomic rational Cherednik algebras
15:00 -- 16:00 T.Hikita (RIMS)
Remarks on canonical bases in equivariant K-theory
16:15 -- 17:15 K.Iwaki (Nagoya)
Resurgence, exact WKB and wall-crossing
17:30 -- 18:30 P.McNamara (Queensland)
Geometric Extension Algebras
Oct.14 (Fri.)
9:30 -- 10:30 A.Braverman (Toronto)
Coulomb branches of 4-dimensional gauge theories, double affine Hecke algebras and q-quasi-invariants
10:45 -- 11:45 Y.Saito (Tokyo)
On quantum elliptic algebras
13:45 -- 14:45 M.Finkelberg (HSE)
Comultiplication in the open Toda lattice and shifted yangians
15:00 -- 16:00 S.Ariki (Osaka)
Representation type for block algebras of Hecke algebras
16:15 -- 17:15 A.Licata (ANU)
The elliptic Hall algebra and the q-deformed Heisenberg category