What's New in Past
- C program for t-analog of q-character
- 63 copies of my book "Lectures on Hilbert schemes of points on surfaces" are sold in 2005.
- 69 copies of my book "Lectures on Hilbert schemes of points on surfaces" are sold in 2004.
I safely finish my role as a chairperson of the Department of Mathematics, Kyoto University. (This is not an April fool joke.)
I become a member of the editorial boards of the following journals :
Transformation Groups
Representation Theory
"Resume of Old Talks"into
"Old visits", and expand
OHP sheets, Articles (papers not published in journals, exercises for classes, etc)
- 50 copies of my book "Lectures on Hilbert schemes of points on surfaces" are sold in 2003.
In this academic year (2004 Apr. - 2005 Mar.) I am a chairperson of the Department of Mathematics, Kyoto University. (This is not an April fool joke.)
I write some resume of talks in the page "future plan".
- 90 copies of my book "Lectures on Hilbert schemes of points on surfaces" are sold in 2002.
(probably 110 copies in 2001 (precise record lost).
An article for 2003 AMS Cole Prize in Algebra appears in AMS Notice.
I received 2003 AMS Cole Prize in Algebra.
OHP sheets for my plenary talk at ICM 2002, Beijing
is available.
- I become an editor of Advances in Mathematics.
- 290 copies of my book "Lectures on Hilbert schemes of points on surfaces" are sold in 2000.
Lectures at the University of Hong Kong
-- a geometric construction of algebras
(access from H.K.U. only)
- One can obtain my paper
``Quiver varieties and finite dimensional representations of quantum affine algebras'',
which appear in J.AMS from
the AMS site.
- I wrote new preprint
$t$-analogue of the $q$-characters of finite dimensional
representations of quantum affine algebras, math.QA/0009231 and
Reflection functors for quiver varieties and Weyl group actions
I put photos of the ceremony
of the 2000 Spring Prize of the Mathematical Society of Japan.
- 300 copies of my book "Lectures on Hilbert schemes of points on surfaces" are sold until Dec. 31, 1999.
- I write Curriculum Vitae.
I have received the 2000 Spring Prize of the Mathematical Society of Japan.
Here are
abstract and
OHP sheets
in Japanese
- I write a preprint `Quiver varieties and finite dimensional representations of quantum affine algebras'
- I received 10 copies of my lecture note from AMS.
- Advertisement of ``Lectures on Hilbert schemes of points on surfaces'' can be found in AMS home page.
My book `Lectures on Hilbert schemes of points on surfaces' will be published from AMS, University Lecture Series vol 18.
I have attended the workshop `D-branes, vector bundles and bound states' held at the IHES, France from June 28 to July 9. I gave a talk `Instantons on ALE spaces and quantum toroidal algebras'.
I returned from Princeton.
I will go to the Institute for Advanced Study.
- I will visit Mexico from Aug. 10 to Sep. 8.
- I will attend the First Annual Japanese-American Frontiers of Science Symposium held in Irvine, California from Aug. 21 to Aug. 23.
- I have deleted some links. (1998/04/15)
- McKay correspondence and Hilbert schemes in dimension three (with Yukari Ito) gzipped ps file (300dpi)
- I will visit the Institute of Advanced Study in the academic year 1998-99
for the program
``Geometric Methos in Representation Theory''.
- Colloquium at University of Bielefeld
- I correct the error on links in my articles on Seiberg-Witten theory.
The Geometry Prize (111090 bytes),
Talk (274876 bytes)
Ebira's Network Interface Card is fixed now.
Ebira's Network Interface Card is broken. I am so sad. (;_;)
I moved to Department of Mathematics, Kyoto University
- Jack polynomials and Hilbert schemes of points (tar gzipped TeX/DVI files 72240bytes)
Lectures on Hilbert schemes of points on surfaces (gzipped DVI file 198675byes)
- I changed the layout a little bit. (1996/04/15)
Sakura at Kyoto Maruyama Park (148025 bytes)