
Charged Wino Decay

Tabulated data of the charged Wino decay this paper are distributed.
You can get the data of the charged Wino decay here.
The data format is:
1. Charged Wino Mass 2. Mass Difference between Charged and Neutral Winos 3. Decay Width to Single Pion 4. Decay Width to Electron 5. Decay Width to Muon.
All the unit is GeV.


The Wino is the well-motivated dark matter candidate and is a SU(2) triplet fermions. Due the electoweak corrections, the charged Wino is slightly heaveier than the neutral Wino by ~ 160 MeV. The two-loop mass difference can be fitted by \[ {\Delta m}/\mathrm{MeV} = \frac{ 21.8641 + 8.68343 t + 0.0568066 t^2}{1 + 0.0530366 t + 0.000345101t^2} ~~~ \left(t = \frac{m_\chi}{\mathrm {GeV}} \right). \] Other contributions such as the Higgsino-mixing effect and sfermion loops provide minor effects. In this case, the main decay mode of the charged Wino is a single pion mode and its tree-level rate is given by \[ \Gamma(\tilde \chi^{\pm} \to \tilde \chi^{0}\pi^\pm) = \frac{4}{\pi} F_\pi^2 (G_F)^2 {{\Delta} m}^3\left(1- \frac{m_\pi^2}{{\Delta} m^2}\right)^{1/2} . \] In the this paper, we investigate the NLO correction to this decay mode. See also the talk by Yuhei Nakayama.
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