Astrophysics and statistics have a long history together, from Laplace's first attempts to combine multiple measurements to the use of  computationally intensive Monte Carlo methods today.  The Statistical Frontiers Of Astrophysics (SFOA) workshop aims to continue this tradition by bringing together members of both communities in a highly stimulating

environment.  There are only ~10 invited talks (and a similar number of contributed talks) to be scheduled during the week-long meeting, leaving ample time to explore the most exciting ideas with a view to active collaboration.  The initial focus will be on a fairly small set of the

most exciting astrophysical topics (cosmology, exoplanet studies and survey data-mining) and the state-of-the-art statistical techniques that can be applied in these areas.

  However as the primary goal of SFOA is to facillitate energetic collaborations between the participants, it is fully expected that the above topics will be just a starting point.  Moreover, it is also hoped that the workshop will provide an opportunity for the participants to get to know IPMU and its scientific staff (and vice versa). There may also be an opportunity for some participants to spend up to another week or so at IPMU as a scientific visitor.


Summary and Aims

New! Program page updated

Some useful logistics information for visitors are available from IPMU home page (especially see the link “For Visitors”)