A series of informal lectures at Kavli IPMU, 2016 autumn semester (+ rerun in 2019)
Prerequisite: something like junior level in math department??
Hours and Rooms:
Wednesdays 12:00--13:00 at Seminar room A, Kavli IPMU (Kashiwa Campus)
(1) This is NOT an official course of the University of Tokyo.
Plan of the progress
1. ring-geometry correspondence (1.5 weeks)
2. divisor, linear equivalence, intersection number (net 2 weeks)
3. singularity, resolution (1.5 weeks)
4. line bundle, locally free sheaf, divisor (3 weeks)
5. Riemann-Roch (1 week)
6. curve, surface (1 week)
7. introduction to toric geometry (1 week)
11 weeks total.