U. Tokyo undergraduate/graduate course, 2024 autumn semester
This course corresponds
to "Quantum Field Theory II" (code: 0515071) in the UTokyo Course Catalogue
for undergraduate students, and
to "Quantum Field Theory" (code: 35603-0119) for graduate
Prerequisite: equivalent of QM III (2nd quantization), QFT I (free field quantization) and Quantum Optics (photon quantization, atomic transition).
We assume that the students in the classroom are familiar with free field
quantization (incl. derivation of the propagator (Green function))
from Week 3 in this semester.
Message for graduate students enrolling in October:
The QFT I course (summer semester) at U. Tokyo is exclusively for undergraduate
students, and the lecture is delivered in Japanese. If your undergraduate
curriculum did not cover an equivalent of QFT I at U. Tokyo Physics,
then you need to make an effort on your own by reading appropriate chapters
of QFT textbooks to fill the gap: for example, Peskin Schroeder
sections 2, 3, 4.1--4.4, or Altland Simons sections 1.4, 2.1, 2.2, 5.1.
Materials in the first two weeks are not based on those prerequisites.
So, it is enough to have covered those materials during summer, or
at least by the Week 3.
The instructor (TW) is happy to provide support/advice for that process.
Hours and Rooms:
Mondays 14:55--16:40 at room ???, Rigakubu 1 Goukan (Hongo Campus)
Office hour:
Mondays 16:40--17:40.??
Instructor: Taizan Watari,
Kavli IPMU, Kashiwa Campus
TA: not assigned
Language: explanations in Eniglish. Questions in Japanese are also welcome during the class.
(1) All the homework problems, letcture notes etc. will be posted
in the U. Tokyo Learning Management System (UT ITC-LMS), not here.
(2) This webpage is used for announcements before the semester starts,
especially toward new graduate students enrolling in October, who
are given access to the UTokyo ITC-LMS only after enrollment.
During the semester, the ITC-LMS will be updated, not here.
(3) This course in the 2024/25 season will be quite similar to
the same course in the 2020/21 season. The course page four years
ago is here, where lecture notes and homework problems are found.
Plan of the progress
1. path integral in quantum mechanices: [2 weeks]
2. introduction, S-matrix etc., loop expansion: [2 weeks]
3. tree-level scattering processes: [3 weeks]
4. bound states: [2 weeks]
5. unitarity: [1 week]
6. low-energy effective theory: [1 week]
7. path integral in QFT: [3 weeks]
8. introduction to 1-loop computation: [1 week]