Euclid Flagship mock galaxy catalogue

Credit: J. Carretero, P. Tallada, S. Serrano for ICE, PIC, U.Zurich and the Euclid Consortium Cosmological Simulations SWG
The Flagship mock galaxy catalogue is the largest simulated galaxy catalogue ever produced, which consistently model galaxy clustering and weak lensing observables for the surveys that will be carried out with the Euclid satellite. The catalog contains 2.6 billion galaxies over 1/8th of the sky and extends up to redshift 2.3. We were able to speed-up the production of mock catalogues in a scalable way by using a Big Data platform in the calibration, generation and distribution phases. To make this possible I contributed to the development of a modular python library used in the pipeline to produce the Flagship mock. Our team won the Euclid Star Prize 2018 for this work.

Linda Blot
Linda Blot
Project Assistant Professor