- Bobby Acharya (Rutgers)
- [pdf] M-theory, G2 manifolds and four-dimensional physics
- Nima Arkani-Hamed (Harvard)
- [pdf] Dimensional deconstruction and physics in theory space
- Michael Atiyah (Edinburgh)
- [pdf] Twisted K-theory and physics
- Costas Bachas (ENS, Paris)
- [pdf] Branes in AdS spacetimes and holography
- Tom Banks (U. of California, Santa Cruz and Rutgers)
- [pdf] A critique of pure string theory
- David Berenstein (IAS, Princeton)
- [pdf] N=1 dualities and the dynamics of brane anti-brane systems
- Nathan Berkovits (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
- [pdf] Applications of the covariant formalism for superstrings and the supermembrane
- Lorenzo Cornalba (Amsterdam)
- [pdf] A resolution of the cosmological singularity with orientifolds
- Robbert Dijkgraaf (Amsterdam)
- [pdf] Matrix models, topological strings and supersymmetric gauge theories
- Nick Dorey (Swansea)
- [pdf] Elliptic models at large-N, (little) worldsheet instantons and integrable systems
- Michael Douglas (Rutgers)
- [pdf] Mastering N=1
- José Figueroa-O'Farrill (Edinburgh)
- [pdf] Geometry of supersymmetric pp-waves
- Steve Giddings (UCSB)
- [pdf] Warped compactification phenomenology
- Amit Giveon (Racah, Jerusalem)
- [pdf] From big bang to big crunch and beyond
- Sergei Gukov (Princeton)
- [pdf] The geometry of rational conformal field theories
- Michael Gutperle (Harvard)
- [pdf] Spacelike branes
- Gary Horowitz (UCSB)
- [pdf] Comments on spacetime singularities
- Luis Ibáñez (Autonoma, Madrid)
- [pdf] The intersection numbers of the Standard Model
- Nobuyuki Ishibashi (KEK)
- [pdf] On wrapped membranes
- Shamit Kachru (Stanford)
- [pdf] New phenomena in compactifications with flux
- Hikaru Kawai (Kyoto)
- [pdf] Spontaneous breaking of rotational symmetry in IIB matrix model
- Igor Klebanov (Princeton)
- [pdf] Some stringy aspects of the AdS/CFT duality
- Dieter Lüst (Humboldt)
- [pdf] Intersecting brane worlds on Calabi-Yau orientifolds
- Juan Maldacena (IAS, Princeton)
- [pdf] Strings on plane waves
- Juan Maldacena (IAS, Princeton)
- [pdf] Some thoughts on the wave function of the universe
- Shiraz Minwalla (Harvard)
- [pdf] PP-wave string interactions from Yang Mills
- Greg Moore (Rutgers)
- [pdf] Strings on time dependent orbifolds I
- David Morrison (Duke)
- [pdf] Half K3 surfaces
- Sunil Mukhi (Tata and IAS)
- [pdf] Strings from quivers
- Nikita Nekrasov (IHES \& ITEP)
- [pdf] Solution of N=2 gauge theories via instanton counting
- Hermann Nicolai (AEI Golm)
- [pdf] E10 and the BKL limit of M theory
- Hirosi Ooguri (Caltech)
- [pdf] Worldsheet derivation of a large N duality
- Joe Polchinski (ITP, Santa Barbara)
- [pdf] Deep inelastic scattering and the growth of strings
- Alexander Polyakov (Princeton)
- [pdf] Old and new aspects of the gauge/strings correspondence
- Chris Pope (Texas A & M)
- [pdf] Special holonomy and the conifold
- Pierre Ramond (Gainesville, Florida)
- [pdf] Higher spin massless particles
- Lisa Randall (Harvard)
- [pdf] Unification in warped extra dimensions and bulk holography
- Leonardo Rastelli (Princeton)
- [pdf] Progress in open string field theory
- John Schwarz (Caltech)
- [pdf] Superstrings in a plane-wave background
- Nathan Seiberg (Rutgers)
- [pdf] Strings on time dependent orbifolds II
- Ashoke Sen (Allahabad and Penn State)
- [pdf] Tachyon dynamics in open string theory
- Stephen Shenker (Stanford)
- [pdf] Inflation as a window into short distance physics
- Eva Silverstein (SLAC)
- [pdf] Something from `nothing'
- Kostas Skenderis (Princeton)
- [pdf] Supersymmetric completion of the R^4 term in IIB supergravity
- Andrew Strominger (Harvard)
- [pdf] The nature of time in string theory
- Wati Taylor (MIT)
- [pdf] Computing tree and loop amplitudes in string field theory
- Arkady Tseytlin (Imperial College and Ohio State)
- [pdf] Semiclassical quantization of superstrings in AdS_5 x S^5
- Cumrun Vafa (Harvard)
- [pdf] Superstrings and topological strings at large N
- Gabriele Veneziano (CERN)
- [pdf] Can string cosmology face the challenge of CMB anisotropies?