gscholar, arxiv, mathnet, mathscinet, zentralblatt, orcid,

# Coauthors Title Reference
20 L. Katzarkov, A. Mellit, E. Shinder Minifolds and Phantoms IPMU 13-0102; arXiv:1305.4549v2
19 T. Coates, A.Corti, A.Kasprzyk Quantum periods for 3-dimensional Fano manifolds IPMU 13-0113; arXiv:1303.3288
18 E. Shinder Exceptional collections of line bundles on the Beauville surface Advances in Mathematics 244 (2013), pages 1033–1050; MPIM 12-60; arXiv:1210.3339
17 M. Akhtar, T. Coates, A. Kasprzyk Minkowski Polynomials and Mutations SIGMA 8 (2012), 094, 707 pages; IPMU 12-0120; arXiv:1212.1785
16 T. Coates, A.Corti, V.Golyshev, A.Kasprzyk Mirror Symmetry and Fano manifolds Proc. 6ECM (2012); IPMU 12-0102; arXiv:1212.1722
14 J.A. Cruz Morales Upper bounds for mutations of potentials SIGMA 9 (2013), 005, 13 pages; IPMU 12-0110; arXiv:1301.4541
12.5 A. Mellit, E.Shinder Minifolds 2: Surfaces and Minifolds of General Type available at
12 A. Mellit Minifolds 1: on the projective fourspace preprint IPMU 11-0100
10 G-Fano threefolds are mirror-modular preprint IPMU 10-0150
9 A. Usnich Mutations of potentials preprint IPMU 10-0100
8 G-minimal varieties are quantum minimal preprint IPMU 10-0101
6 On Apery constants of homogeneous varieties preprint SFB45 (2008)
5 Two instances of fake minimal Fano threefolds preprint SFB45 (2008), IPMU 11-0099
4 Small toric degenerations of Fano threefolds preprint (2007), remake 2012 (IPMU 12-0121)
2 V. Golyshev Quantum cohomology of Grassmannians and cyclotomic fields Russian Mathematical Surveys (2006), 61(1):171

not yet available:
15 K. Shramov Symmetries of cubics in preparation
13 L. Katzarkov Derived Mathieu and more symmetries of K3 in preparation
11 A. Bondal Mirror symmetry for minuscule varieties in preparation, IPMU 11-0101
7 V. Golyshev, H. Iritani Gamma conjectures for Grassmannians in preparation, IPMU 10-0200
3b Mirror symmetry for del Pezzo surfaces revisited in preparation, expanded translation of #3

available only in Russian:
0 Toric degenerations of Fano varieties Ph.D. Thesis (def. on April 3, 2008), (in Russian); expanded combination of #2,3,4,4b
4b Picard lattices of nodal toric Fano threefolds supplementary for #4; (in Russian)
3 Del Pezzo surfaces and low ramified pencils of elliptic curves preprint (in Russian)
1 Derived categories of coherent sheaves on toric stacks preprint ITEP-TH-105/04 (in Russian)