Prof. Hiromi M. Yokoyama


Hiromi M. Yokoyama is a Professor at the University of Tokyo. I am researching the Green AI, AI for Science (AI4S) and climate ethics, policy and public attitude of science and technology (ELSI/RRI), Big science policy and STEM gender.

I became an Science Technology and Society (STS), science policy and Science communication (SC) researcher after Ph.D in particle experimental physics. That is the reason why I belong to Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (Kavli IPMU) and am the deputy director. I also belong to Center for Data-Driven Discovery (CD3 center) and Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies (III), UTokyo and students in my lab styding at the department.

I am a Director of Toyota Foundation,Director of National Institution of National Colleges of Technology, Director of Japan Society for the Social Studies of Science and Technology and so on.

Research Gate / Linkedin

Researchmap (List of Papers/ Committees / Books / Interviews / Contributed Articles)

Email:hiromi.yokoyama (a) 

Welcome, Visiting student & researcher

I welcome visiting students and researchers with the aim of conducting collaborative research. There is also a track record of undergraduate summer internships (Princeton, Harvard, etc.).Please contact me if you are interested.

Leading research projects


  • Graduate School of Science, UTokyo : Modern Science and Communication Theory
  • The University of Tokyo FoPM Diversity and Ethics Seminar
  • University of Tokyo Graduate School of Science, Research Ethics Common Teaching Materials Provided
  • Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies, The University of Tokyo Science Communication Theory/Science and Technology Representation Theory I

  • Main Career

    Since I became an associate professor at the University of Tokyo when science communication discussion began in Japan around 2007, I have led discussions on social and science communication, higher education, and large-scale science in Japan. I have contributed to various committees more than 100. Additionally, I currently contributes to Japanese academic societies as a university management advisory council member and a director of a technical college.

  • 2024.6-Present: Director of Toyota Foundation
  • 2022.4-Present: Director of National Institution of National Colleges of Technology
  • 2022.4-Present: Deputy Director, Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe, The University of Tokyo
  • 2021.6-Present: Board member of International Physics Olympiad 2023 Association
  • 2021.4-2022.3: Director of Public Relations Office, Director of Public Relations Strategy and Planning Office, and Deputy Director of Public Relations Strategy Headquarters, The University of Tokyo
  • 2019.4-Present: Director of Japan Society for the Social Studies of Science and Technology
  • 2017.4-Present: Professor, Kavli IPMU & Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies, Cultural and human information studies course, The University of Tokyo
  • 2014-Present: Editorial board member, JCOM / Journal of science communciation
  • 2007.4–2017.3: Associate Professor, School of Science ,University of Tokyo
  • 2005.4–2007.3: Senior Researcher, SOKENDAI, Hayama Center
  • 2004.10: Researcher (changed research field, science and society) Tokyo Institute of Technology
  • 2004.9: Ph.D. in Science , Tokyo University of Science, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Physics Department
  • 1999.3: B.A. in Physics, Tokyo University of Science, Faculty of Science and Technology, Physics Department

  • Main Prizes

  • 2016 As a member of K2K, Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics
  • 2015 Science and Technology Society Society, Kakiuchi Kessiuchi Research Encouragement Prize
  • 2007 Science Journalist Award 2007, Japanese Association of Science & Technology Journalists

  • Main papers

    AI diversity:Ikkatai, Y., Itatsu, Y., Hartwig, T. et al. The relationship between the attitudes of the use of AI and diversity awareness: comparisons between Japan, the US, Germany, and South Korea. AI & Soc (2024).

    Big science:Yokoyama, H. M., Akimoto, Y., & Ikkatai, Y. (2023). Big science and society in Japan: Kamiokande series, policy systems and ILC. In Big science in the 21st century: Economic and societal impacts (pp. 48-1 to 48-16).

    Inclusive STEM (Summary of 10 papers and the affamative action problem in Japan):Hiromi M. Yokoyama, Yuko Ikkatai, Euan McKay, Atsushi Inoue, Azusa Minamizaki & Kei Kano (2024) Can affirmative action overcome STEM gender inequality in Japan? Expectations and concerns, Asia Pacific Business Review, DOI: 10.1080/13602381.2024.2320547

    AI Ethics (AI-ELSI segment):Ikkatai, Y., Hartwig, T., Takanashi, N. et al. Segmentation of ethics, legal, and social issues (ELSI) related to AI in Japan, the United States, and Germany. AI Ethics (2022).

    AI Ethics (ELSI Score):Hartwig, T., Ikkatai, Y., Takanashi, N. & Yokoyama, H.M. (2022). 'Artificial intelligence ELSI score for science and technology: a comparison between Japan and the US'. AI & Soc.

    AI Ethics (AI-ELSI Octagon measurements):Y.Ikkatai, T.Hartwig, N.Takanashi & H.M. Yokoyama (2022). 'Octagon Measurement: Public Attitudes toward AI Ethics',International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction

    Trust in experts (COVID-19):Yokoyama HM and Ikkatai Y (2022) Support and trust in the government and COVID-19 experts during the pandemic. Front. Commun. 7:940585. doi: 10.3389/fcomm.2022.940585

    Inclusive STEM (Social climate extended model):Ikkatai, Y., Inoue, A., Minamizaki, A., Kano, K., McKay, E. and Yokoyama, H. M.(2021). ‘Masculinity in the public image of physics and mathematics: a new model comparing Japan and England’. Public understanding of science,

    Risk Comm Practice (COVID-19):Igarashi, Y., Mizushima, N. and Yokoyama, H. M. (2020). ‘Manga-based risk communication for the COVID-19 pandemic: a case study of storytelling that incorporates a cultural context’. JCOM 19 (07), N02.

    Scientific advice(Group voice):Yokoyama, H. (2019). ‘Proposal for group voice: going beyond the limits of one voice and making information provided by scientists available to the public in emergency situations’. In: Environmental contamination from the Fukushima nuclear disaster: dispersion, monitoring, mitigation and lessons learned. Ed. by T. Nakajima, T. Ohara, M. Uematsu and Y. Onda. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press, pp. 271–277.

    Open science(budget community):Ikkatai Y., McKay E., & Yokoyama H.M.,(2018). Science created by crowds: a case study of science crowdfunding in Japan. Journal of Science Communication,17(03), A06.

    Scientific advice:中谷内一也, 長谷和久, & 横山広美, (2018). 科学的基礎知識とハザードへの不安との関係,心理学研究,89(2),171-178.

    Fukushima nuclear power plant accident:Tateno S., Yokoyama H.M. ,(2013). Public anxiety, trust, and the role of mediators in communicating risk of exposure to low dose radiation after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant explosion. Journal of Sicence Communication,12(02),A03.

    neutrino physics:K2K collaboration "Evidence for muon neutrino oscillation in an accelerator-based experiment." Physical review letters 94.8 (2005): 081802.

    neutrino physics:K2K collaboration "Indications of neutrino oscillation in a 250 km long-baseline experiment." Physical Review Letters 90.4 (2003): 041801.


    1.Yokoyama Group member

    Lab member(2024)

    Visiting:Shuo Wang(Tsinghua Univ.), Cheng Suo(Tsinghua Univ.),Chiara Ullstein(Technical University of Munich)

    Summer int.:Hannah Shin(Princeton Univ), Shawn Mobley(Harvard Univ)


    Kavli IPMU 16th anniversary(2023)

    Kavli IPMU Center for Data-Driven Discovery (CD3)opening ceremony(2023)


    K2K/SciFi G.(2004), neutrino physics, related Nobel Prize-winning Physics Group, Super-Kamiokande

    Recent news

    2024.9 Wang, S., Kinoshita, S., & Yokoyama, H. M. (2024). Letter: Performance of ChatGPT and GPT-4 on neurosurgery written board examinations. Neurosurgery.

    2024.8 Shuo Wang, Tianyu Liu, Shotaro Kinoshita, Hiromi M Yokoyama, LLMs may improve medical communication: social science perspective, Postgraduate Medical Journal, 2024;, qgae101,

    2024.7 Wang, S., Yokoyama, H.M. Fight fire with fire: why not be more tolerant of ChatGPT in academic writing?. AI & Soc (2024).

    2024.6 Wang S., Kinoshita S., Yokoyama H. M. (2024). Letter: Shifting focus—From ChatGPT to specialised medical LLMs, Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics.

    2024.6 Ikkatai, Y., Itatsu, Y., Hartwig, T. et al. The relationship between the attitudes of the use of AI and diversity awareness: comparisons between Japan, the US, Germany, and South Korea. AI & Soc (2024).

    2024.5 Wang, S., Kinoshita, S., & Yokoyama, H. M. (2024). Write your paper on the motherland? Accountability in Research, 1–3.


    2024.4 Mayo Clinic Proceedings: Digital Health (letter) Cautions and Considerations in Artificial Intelligence Implementation for Child Abuse: Lessons from Japan, Kinoshita,Yokoyama,Kishimoto

    2024.3 Nature review Physics (view point) Generative AI and science communication in the physical sciences

    2023.6 Nature (Correspondence) Shotaro Kinoshita & Hiromi Yokoyama, Large language model is a flagship for Japan, Nature 619, 252 (2023), doi:


    Construction of science and technology ethics indicators for advanced science and technology such as AI and genome editing

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