List of Publications

See also inspire-hep, arXiv rss, mathscinet, google citations, ORCID, researchmap and KAKEN database

Refereed Publications and Preprints

  1. Yann Gouttenoire, Stephen F. King, Rishav Roshan, Xin Wang, Graham White, and Masahito Yamazaki, "Cosmological Consequences of Domain Walls Biased by Quantum Gravity," arXiv:2501.16414 [hep-ph]
  2. Weiguang Cao, Yuan Miao, and Masahito Yamazaki, "Global symmetries of quantum lattice models under non-invertible dualities," arXiv:2501.12514 [cond-mat.str-el]
  3. Jiakang Bao and Masahito Yamazaki, "Crystals and Double Quiver Algebras from Jeffrey-Kirwan Residues," arXiv:2501.03365 [hep-th]
  4. A. Hammad, Mihoko M. Nojiri and Masahito Yamazaki, "Quantum similarity learning for anomaly detection," arXiv:2411.09927 [hep-ph]
  5. Norikazu Yamada, Masahito Yamazaki and Ryuichiro Kitano, "θ dependence of Tc in SU(2) Yang-Mills theory," arXiv:2411.00375 [hep-lat]
  6. Weiguang Cao, Linhao Li and Masahito Yamazaki, "Generating Lattice Non-invertible Symmetries," SciPost Phys. 17, 104 (2024), arXiv:2406.05454 [cond-mat.str-el]
  7. Norikazu Yamada, Masahito Yamazaki and Ryuichiro Kitano, "Subvolume method for SU(2) Yang-Mills theory at finite temperature: topological charge distributions," JHEP 2024, 198 (2024), arXiv:2403.10767 [hep-lat]
  8. Jiakang Bao, Rak-Kyeong Seong and Masahito Yamazaki, "The Origin of Calabi-Yau Crystals in BPS States Counting," JHEP 2024, 140 (2024), arXiv:2401.02792 [hep-th]
  9. Ioana Coman, Myungbo Shim, Masahito Yamazaki and Yehao Zhou, "Affine W-algebras and Miura maps from 3d N=4 non-Abelian quiver gauge theories," arXiv:2312.13363 [hep-th]
  10. Stephen F. King, Rishav Roshan, Xin Wang, Graham White and Masahito Yamazaki, "Quantum Gravity Effects on Fermionic Dark Matter and Gravitational Waves," JCAP 05, 071 (2024), arXiv:2311.12487 [hep-ph]
  11. Meer Ashwinkumar, Abhiram Kidambi, Jacob M. Leedom and Masahito Yamazaki, "Generalized Narain Theories Decoded: Discussions on Eisenstein series, Characteristics, Orbifolds, Discriminants and Ensembles in any Dimension," Adv. Theor. Math. Phys., arXiv:2311.00699 [hep-th]
  12. Christian W. Bauer, So Chigusa and Masahito Yamazaki, "Quantum Parton Shower with Kinematics," Phys. Rev. A 109, 032432 (2024), arXiv:2310.19881 [hep-ph]
  13. Matthew Dodelson, Simeon Hellerman, Masataka Watanabe and Masahito Yamazaki, "Integrability of Large-Charge Sectors in Generic 2D EFTs," JHEP 2024, 166 (2024), arXiv:2310.01823 [hep-th]
  14. Meer Ashwinkumar, Jun-ichi Sakamoto and Masahito Yamazaki, "Dualities and Discretizations of Integrable Quantum Field Theories from 4d Chern-Simons Theory," Adv. Theor. Math. Phys., arXiv:2309.14412 [hep-th]
  15. Stephen F. King, Rishav Roshan, Xin Wang, Graham White and Masahito Yamazaki, "Quantum Gravity Effects on Dark Matter and Gravitational Waves," Phys. Rev. D 109, 024057 (2024), arXiv:2308.03724 [hep-ph]
  16. Atsushi Ueda and Masahito Yamazaki, "Fixed-point tensor is a four-point function," arXiv:2307.02523 [hep-th]
  17. Meer Ashwinkumar, Jacob M. Leedom and Masahito Yamazaki, "Duality Origami: Emergent Ensemble Symmetries in Holography and Swampland," Phys. Lett. 856, 138935 (2024), arXiv:2305.10224 [hep-th]
  18. Katsuki Aoki, Toshifumi Noumi, Ryo Saito, Sota Sato, Satoshi Shirai, Junsei Tokuda and Masahito Yamazaki, "Gravitational Positivity for Phenomenologists: Dark Gauge Boson in the Swampland," Phys. Rev. D 110, 016002 (2024), arXiv:2305.10058 [hep-ph]
  19. Weiguang Cao, Linhao Li, Masahito Yamazaki and Yunqin Zheng, "Subsystem Non-Invertible Symmetry Operators and Defects," SciPost Phys. 15, 155 (2023), arXiv:2304.09886 [cond-mat.str-el]
  20. Kazunobu Maruyoshi, Takuya Okuda, Juan W. Pedersen, Ryo Suzuki, Masahito Yamazaki and Yutaka Yoshida, "Conserved charges in the quantum simulation of integrable spin chains," J. Phys. A 56, 165301 (2023), arXiv: 2208.00576 [quant-ph]
  21. Dmitry Galakhov, Wei Li and Masahito Yamazaki, "Gauge/Bethe correspondence from quiver BPS algebras," JHEP 2022, 119 (2022), arXiv: 2206.13340 [hep-th]
  22. Weiguang Cao, Masahito Yamazaki and Yunqin Zheng, "Boson-fermion duality with subsystem symmetry," Phys. Rev. B 106, 075150 (2022), arXiv: 2206.02727 [cond-mat.str-el]
  23. So Chigusa and Masahito Yamazaki, "Quantum simulations of dark sector showers," Phys. Lett. B 834, 137466 (2022) arXiv: 2204.12500 [hep-ph]
  24. Masahito Yamazaki, "Quiver Yangians and Crystal Melting: A Concise Summary," J. Math. Phys. 64, 011101 (2023), (see also AIPP Kudos), arXiv: 2203.14314 [hep-th]
  25. Dmitry Galakhov, Wei Li and Masahito Yamazaki, "Toroidal and Elliptic Quiver BPS Algebras and Beyond," JHEP 2022, 24 (2022), arXiv:2108.10286 [hep-th]
  26. Dmitry Galakhov, Wei Li and Masahito Yamazaki, "Shifted Quiver Yangians and Representations from BPS Crystals," JHEP 2021, 146 (2021), arXiv:2106.01230 [hep-th]
  27. Meer Ashwinkumar, Matthew Dodelson, Abhiram Kidambi and Jacob M. Leedom and Masahito Yamazaki, "Chern-Simons Invariants from Ensemble Averages," JHEP 2021, 44 (2021), arXiv:2104.14710 [hep-th]
  28. Dongmin Gang, Sungjoon Kim, Kimyeong Lee and Myungbo Shim and Masahito Yamazaki, "Non-unitary TQFTs from 3D N = 4 rank 0 SCFTs," JHEP 2021, 158 (2021), arxiv:2103.09283 [hep-th]
  29. Ryuichiro Kitano, Ryutaro Matsudo, Norikazu Yamada and Masahito Yamazaki, "Peeking into the theta vacuum," Phys. Lett. B 822, 136657 (2021), arXiv:2102.08784 [hep-lat]
  30. Ryuichiro Kitano, Norikazu Yamada and Masahito Yamazaki, "Is N=2 Large?," JHEP 2021, 73 (2021), arXiv:2010.08810 [hep-lat]
  31. Nezhla Aghaei, M.K. Pawelkiewicz and Masahito Yamazaki,"Towards Super Teichmüller Spin TQFT," Adv. Theor. Math. Phys. 26, 245 (2022), arXiv:2008.09829 [hep-th]
  32. Dmitry Galakhov and Masahito Yamazaki, "Quiver Yangian and Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics," Commun. Math. Phys. 396, 713 (2022), arXiv:2008.07006 [hep-th]
  33. Wei Li and Masahito Yamazaki, "Quiver Yangian from Crystal Melting," JHEP 2020, 35 (2020), arXiv:2003.08909 [hep-th]
  34. Dongmin Gang and Masahito Yamazaki, "Expanding 3d N=2 Theories around the Round Sphere," JHEP 2020, 102 (2020), arXiv:1912.09617 [hep-th]
  35. Ryo Saito and Satoshi Shirai and Masahito Yamazaki, "Is Trans-Planckian Censorship a Swampland Conjecture?," Phys. Rev. D 101, 046022 (2020), arXiv:1911.10445 [hep-th]
  36. Masahito Yamazaki and Kazuya Yonekura, "Confinement as Analytic Continuation Beyond Infinity," Phys. Rev. Research 2, 013383 (2020), arXiv:1911.06327 [hep-th]
  37. Masahito Yamazaki, "Electroweak Quintessence Axion as Dark Energy," contribution to proceedings for Rencontres du Vietnam 'Cosmology' (2019), arXiv:1910.08691 [hep-ph]
  38. Masahito Yamazaki, "Comments on Short Multiplets in Superconformal Algebras," contribution to Pollica Summer Workshop on "Mathematical and Geometric Tools for Conformal Field Theories," arXiv:1910.08347 [hep-th]; published as a part of F. Alday et al., "The Pollica perspective on the (super)-conformal world," J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 54, 303001 (2021)
  39. Alexander Kusenko, Volodymyr Takhistov, Masaki Yamada and Masahito Yamazaki, "Fundamental Forces and Scalar Field Dynamics in the Early Universe," Phys. Lett. B 804, 135369 (2020), arXiv:1908.10930 [hep-th]
  40. Kevin Costello and Masahito Yamazaki, "Gauge Theory And Integrability, III," arXiv:1908.02289 [hep-th]
  41. Satoshi Shirai and Masahito Yamazaki, "Is Gravity the Weakest Force?" Class. Quantum. Grav. 38, 035006 (2021), arXiv:1904.10577 [hep-th]
  42. Masahito Yamazaki, "From Swampland to Phenomenology and Back," contribution to the Proceedings for the 2019 EW session of the 54th Rencontres de Moriond, arXiv:1904.053576 [hep-ph]
  43. Masahito Yamazaki, "New T-duality for Chern-Simons Theory," JHEP 2019, 90 (2019), arXiv:1904.04976 [hep-th]
  44. Masahiro Ibe, Masahito Yamazaki and Tsutomu T. Yanagida, "Quintessence Axion from Swampland Conjectures," Class. Quantum Grav. 36, 235020 (2019) arXiv:1811.04664 [hep-th]
  45. Andrew P. Kels and Masahito Yamazaki, "Lens Generalisation of tau-functions for the Elliptic Discrete Painleve Equation," Int. Math. Res. Not. 2021, 754-765 (2021) arXiv:1810.12103 [nlin.SI]
  46. Hajime Fukuda, Ryo Saito, Satoshi Shirai and Masahito Yamazaki, "Phenomenological Consequences of the Refined Swampland Conjecture," Phys. Rev. D 99, 083520 (2019), arXiv:1810.06532 [hep-th]
  47. Kallol Sen and Masahito Yamazaki, "Polology of Superconformal Blocks," Comm. Math. Phys. 374, 785-821 (2020) arXiv:1810.01264 [hep-th]
  48. Hitoshi Murayama, Masahito Yamazaki and Tsutomu T. Yanagida, "Do We Live in the Swampland?" JHEP 2018, 032 (2018), arXiv:1809.00478 [hep-th]
  49. Masahito Yamazaki, "Integrability as Duality: the Gauge/YBE Correspondence," Phys. Rept. 859, 1-20 (2020), arXiv:1808.04374 [hep-th]
  50. Dongmin Gang and Masahito Yamazaki, "An appetizer for supersymmetry enhancement" [new title: "Three-dimensional gauge theories with supersymmetry enhancement"], Phys. Rev. D 98, 121701(R) (2018) [rapid communications], arXiv:1806.07714 [hep-th]
  51. Kevin Costello, Edward Witten and Masahito Yamazaki, "Gauge Theory and Integrability, II," ICCM Not. 6, 120-149 (2018), arXiv:1802.01579 [hep-th]
  52. Jeong-Pyong Hong, Masahiro Kawasaki and Masahito Yamazaki, "Oscillons from Pure Natural Inflation," Phys. Rev. D 98, 043531 (2018), arXiv:1711.10496 [astro-ph.CO]
  53. Yasunori Nomura and Masahito Yamazaki, "Tensor Modes in Pure Natural Inflation," Phys. Lett. B 780, 106-110 (2018), arXiv:1711.10490 [hep-ph]
  54. Masahito Yamazaki, "Relating 't Hooft Anomalies of 4d Pure Yang-Mills and 2d CP^{N-1} Model," JHEP 2018, 172 (2018), arXiv:1711.04360 [hep-th]
  55. Dongmin Gang, Pietro Longhi and Masahito Yamazaki, "S duality and Framed BPS States via BPS Graphs," Adv. Theor. Math. Phys. 23, 1361-1410 (2019), arXiv:1711.04038 [hep-th]
  56. Kevin Costello, Edward Witten and Masahito Yamazaki, "Gauge Theory and Integrability, I," ICCM Not. 6, 46–191 (2018), arXiv:1709.09993 [hep-th]
  57. Andrew P. Kels and Masahito Yamazaki, "Lens elliptic gamma function solution of the Yang-Baxter equation at roots of unity," J. Stat. Mech. 2018, 023108 (2018), arXiv:1709.07148 [math-ph]
  58. Yasunori Nomura, Taizan Watari and Masahito Yamazaki, "Pure Natural Inflation," Phys. Lett. B 776, 227-230 (2018), arXiv:1706.08522 [hep-ph]
  59. Masahito Yamazaki and Kazuya Yonekura, "From 4d Yang-Mills to 2d CP^{N-1} model: IR problem and confinement at weak coupling," JHEP 2017, 088 (2017), arXiv:1704.05852 [hep-th]
  60. Maxime Gabella, Pietro Longhi, Chan Y. Park and Masahito Yamazaki, "BPS Graphs: From Spectral Networks to BPS Quivers," JHEP 2017, 032 (2017), arXiv:1704.04204 [hep-th]
  61. Andrew P. Kels and Masahito Yamazaki, "Elliptic hypergeometric sum/integral transformations and supersymmetric lens index" SIGMA 14, 013 (2018) (Contribution to the Special Issue on Elliptic Hypergeometric Functions and Their Applications), arXiv:1704.03159 [hep-th]
  62. Dongmin Gang, Mauricio Romo and Masahito Yamazaki, "All-Order Volume Conjecture for Closed 3-Manifolds from Complex Chern-Simons Theory," Comm. Math. Phys. 359, 915-936 (2018), arXiv:1704.00918 [hep-th]
  63. Hyun Kyu Kim and Masahito Yamazaki, "Comments on Exchange Graphs in Cluster Algebras, Exper. Math. 29, 79-100 (2018), arXiv:1612.00145 [math.QA]
  64. Masahito Yamazaki, "Cluster-Enriched Yang-Baxter Equation from SUSY Gauge Theories," Lett. Math. Phys. 108, 1137 (2018), arXiv:1611.07522 [hep-th]
  65. Masahito Yamazaki, "Quantum Trilogy: Discrete Toda, Y-System and Chaos," J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 51, 053002 (2018) (contribution to Special issue on fifty years of the Toda lattice), arXiv:1610.06925 [hep-th]
  66. Yoshiki Oshima and Masahito Yamazaki, "Determinant Formula for Parabolic Verma Modules of Lie Superalgebras," J. Algebra, 495, 51-80 (2018), arXiv:1603.06705 [math.RT]
  67. Jeongseog Lee and Masahito Yamazaki, "Gauging and Decoupling in 3d N=2 Dualities," JHEP 2016, 077 (2016), arxiv:1603.02283 [hep-th]
  68. Masahito Yamazaki, "Comments on Determinant Formulas for General CFTs," JHEP 2016, 035 (2016), arXiv:1601.04072 [hep-th]
  69. Aleksey Cherman, David A. McGady and Masahito Yamazaki, "Spectral sum rules for confining large-N theories," JHEP 2016, 095 (2016), arXiv: 1512.09119 [hep-th]
  70. Dongmin Gang, Nakwoo Kim, Mauricio Romo and Masahito Yamazaki, "Aspects of Defects in 3d-3d Correspondence," JHEP 2016, 062 (2016), arXiv:1510.05011 [hep-th]
  71. Dongmin Gang, Nakwoo Kim, Mauricio Romo and Masahito Yamazaki, "Taming Supersymmetric Defects in 3d-3d Correspondence," J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 49, 30LT02 (2016), arXiv:1510.03884 [hep-th]
  72. João Penedones, Emilio Trevisani and Masahito Yamazaki, "Recursion Relation for Conformal Blocks," JHEP 2016, 070 (2016), arXiv:1509.00428 [hep-th]
  73. Masahito Yamazaki and Wenbin Yan, "Integrability from 2d N=(2,2) Dualities," J. Phys. A 48, 394001 (2015), a part of JPA specal issue "Exactly Solved Models and Beyond: a special issue in honour of R. J Baxter's 75th birthday", arXiv:1504.05540 [hep-th]
  74. Ivan Chi-Ho Ip and Masahito Yamazaki, "Quantum Dilogarithm Identities at Root of Unity," Int. Math. Res. Not. 2016, 669-695(2016), arXiv:1412.5777 [math.QA]
  75. Gokce Basar, Aleksey Cherman, David A. McGady and Masahito Yamazaki, "Casimir energy of confining large N gauge theories," Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 251604 (2015), arXiv:1408.3120 [hep-th]
  76. Till Bargheer, Yu-tin Huang, Florian Loebbert and Masahito Yamazaki, "Integral Amplitude Deformations for N=4 Super Yang-Mills and ABJM Theory," Phys. Rev. D 91, 026004 (2015), arXiv:1407.4449 [hep-th]
  77. Gocke Basar, Aleksey Cherman and David A. McGady and Masahito Yamazaki, "T-reflection," Phys. Rev. D 91, 106004 (2015), arXiv:1406.6329 [hep-th]
  78. Akikazu Hashimoto, Peter Ouyang and Masahito Yamazaki, "Boundaries and Defects of N=4 SYM with 4 Supercharges, Part II: Brane Constructions and 3d N=2 Field Theories," JHEP 2014, 108 (2014), arXiv:1406.5501 [hep-th]
  79. Akikazu Hashimoto, Peter Ouyang and Masahito Yamazaki, "Boundaries and Defects of N=4 SYM with 4 Supercharges, Part I: Boundary/Junction Conditions," JHEP 2014, 107 (2014), arXiv:1404.5527 [hep-th]
  80. Masahito Yamazaki, "New Integrable Models from the Gauge/YBE Correspondence," J. Stat. Phys. 154, 895-911 (2014), arXiv:1307.1128 [hep-th]
  81. Shlomo S. Razamat and Masahito Yamazaki, "S-duality and the N=2 Lens Space Index," JHEP 2013, 048 (2013), arXiv:1306.1543 [hep-th]
  82. Sungjay Lee and Masahito Yamazaki, "3d Chern-Simons Theory from M5-branes," JHEP 2013, 035 (2013), arXiv:1305.2429 [hep-th]
  83. Masahito Yamazaki, "Entanglement in Theory Space," Europhys. Lett. 103, 21002 (2013), arXiv:1304.0762 [hep-th]
  84. Masahito Yamazaki, "4d Superconformal Index Reloaded," Theor. Math. Phys. 174, Issue 1, 154-166 (2013) (Teoreticheskaya i Matematicheskaya Fizika, 174, No. 1, 177-192 (2013) for Russian version)
  85. Yuji Terashima and Masahito Yamazaki, "3d N=2 Theories from Cluster Algebras," Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys. 023B01 (2014), arXiv:1301.5902 [hep-th]
  86. Benjamin Assel, John Estes and Masahito Yamazaki, "Wilson Loops in 5d N=1 SCFTs and AdS/CFT," Ann. Henri Poincare 15, 589-632 (2014), arxiv:1212.1202 [hep-th].
  87. Jonathan J. Heckman, Cumrun Vafa, Dan Xie and Masahito Yamazaki, "String Theory Origin of Bipartite SCFTs," JHEP 2013, 148 (2013), arXiv:1211.4587 [hep-th].
  88. Pavel Putrov and Masahito Yamazaki, "Exact ABJM Partition Function from TBA," Mod. Phys. Lett. A 27, 1250200 (2012), arXiv:1207.5066 [hep-th].
  89. Dan Xie and Masahito Yamazaki, "Network and Seiberg Duality," JHEP 2012, 036 (2012), arXiv:1207.0811 [hep-th]
  90. Benjamin Assel, John Estes and Masahito Yamazaki, "Large N Free Energy of 3d N=4 SCFTs and AdS/CFT," JHEP 2012, 74 (2012), arxiv:1206.2920 [hep-th]
  91. Yuji Terashima and Masahito Yamazaki, "Emergent 3-manifolds from 4d Superconformal Indices," Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 091602 (2012), arxiv:1203.5792 [hep-th]
  92. Masahito Yamazaki, "Quivers, YBE and 3-manifolds," JHEP 2012, 147 (2012), arxiv:1203.5784 [hep-th]
  93. Kentaro Nagao, Yuji Terashima and Masahito Yamazaki, "Hyperbolic 3-manifolds and Cluster Algebras," Nagoya J. Math. 235, 1-25 (2019), arXiv:1112.3106 [math.GT]
  94. Francesco Benini, Tatsuma Nishioka and Masahito Yamazaki, "4d Index to 3d Index and 2d TQFT," Phys. Rev. D 86, 065015 (2012), arXiv:1109.0283 [hep-th].
  95. Yuji Terashima and Masahito Yamazaki, "Semiclassical Analysis of the 3d/3d Relation," Phys. Rev. D 88, 026011 (2013), arXiv:1106.3066 [hep-th]
  96. Tatsuma Nishioka, Yuji Tachikawa and Masahito Yamazaki, "3d Partition Function as Overlap of Wavefunctions," JHEP 2011, 003 (2011), arXiv:1105.4390 [hep-th]
  97. Yuji Terashima and Masahito Yamazaki, "SL(2,R) Chern-Simons, Liouville, and Gauge Theories on Duality Walls," JHEP 2011, 135 (2011), arXiv:1103.5748 [hep-th]
  98. Masahito Yamazaki, "Geometry and Combinatorics of Crystal Melting," RIMS Kokyuroku Bessatsu B 28, 193 (2011), arXiv:1102.0776 [math-ph]
  99. Hirosi Ooguri, Piotr Sulkowski and Masahito Yamazaki, "Wall Crossing As Seen By Matrix Models," Comm. Math. Phys. 307, 429-462 (2011), arXiv:1005.1293 [hep-th]
  100. Satoshi Shirai, Masahito Yamazaki and Kazuya Yonekura, "Aspects of Non-minimal Gauge Mediation," JHEP 2010, 056 (2010), arXiv:1003.3155 [hep-ph]
  101. Masahito Yamazaki, "Crystal Melting and Wall Crossing Phenomena," Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 26, 1097-1228 (2011), arXiv:1002.1709 [hep-th]
  102. Mina Aganagic and Masahito Yamazaki, "Open BPS Wall Crossing and M-theory," Nucl. Phys. B 834, 258-272(2010), arXiv:0911.5342 [hep-th]
  103. Kentaro Nagao and Masahito Yamazaki, "The Non-commutative Topological Vertex and Wall Crossing Phenomena," Adv. Theor. Math. Phys. 14, 1147-1181 (2011), arXiv:0910.5479 [hep-th]
  104. Mina Aganagic, Hirosi Ooguri, Cumrun Vafa and Masahito Yamazaki, "Wall Crossing and M-theory," Publ. RIMS. 47, 569-584 (2011), arXiv:0908.1194 [hep-th].
  105. Sakura Schafer-Nameki, Masahito Yamazaki and Kentaroh Yoshida, "Coset Construction for Duals of Non-relativistic CFTs," JHEP 2009, 038 (2009), arXiv:0903.4245 [hep-th]
  106. Hirosi Ooguri and Masahito Yamazaki, "Emergent Calabi-Yau Geometry," Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 161601 (2009), arXiv:0902.3996 [hep-th]; See a press release in Japanese and another in English
  107. Hirosi Ooguri and Masahito Yamazaki, "Crystal Melting and Toric Calabi-Yau manifolds," Comm. Math. Phys. 292, 179-199 (2009), arXiv:0811.2801 [hep-th].
  108. Masahito Yamazaki, "Octonions, G_2 and generalized Lie 3-algebras," Phys. Lett. B 670, 215-219 (2008), arXiv:0809.1650 [hep-th]
  109. Kazushi Ueda and Masahito Yamazaki, "Toric Calabi-Yau four-folds dual to Chern-Simons-matter theories," JHEP 2009, 045 (2008), arXiv:0808.3768 [hep-th]
  110. Hiroyuki Fuji, Seiji Terashima and Masahito Yamazaki, "A New N=4 Membrane Action via Orbifold," Nucl. Phys. B 810, 354-368 (2009), arXiv:0805.1997 [hep-th]
  111. Toshiaki Fujimori, Muneto Nitta, Kazutoshi Ohta, Norisuke Sakai and Masahito Yamazaki, "Intersecting Solitons, Amoeba and Tropical Geometry," Phys. Rev. D 78, 105004 (2008), arXiv:0805.1194 [hep-th]
  112. Hirotaka Hayashi, Radu Tatar, Yukinobu Toda and Taizan Watari and Masahito Yamazaki, "New Aspects of Heterotic--F theory duality," Nucl. Phys. B 806, 224-299 (2009), arXiv:0805.1057 [hep-th]
  113. Masahito Yamazaki, "Brane Tilings and Their Applications," Fortscr. Phys. 56, 555-686 (2008), arXiv:0803.4474 [hep-th]
  114. Yosuke Imamura, Keisuke Kimura and Masahito Yamazaki, "Anomalies and O-plane charges in orientifolded brane tilings," JHEP 2008, 058 (2008), arXiv:0801.3528 [hep-th]
  115. Yu Nakayama, Masahito Yamazaki and T.T. Yanagida, "Moduli Stabilization in Stringy ISS Models," Phys. Lett. B 663, 281-285 (2008), arXiv:0710.0001 [hep-th]
  116. Kazushi Ueda and Masahito Yamazaki, "Homological mirror symmetry for toric orbifolds of toric del Pezzo surfaces," J. Reine. Angew. Math. 680, 1-22 (2013), math.AG/0703267
  117. Yosuke Imamura, Hiroshi Isono and Keisuke Kimura and Masahito Yamazaki, "Exactly marginal deformation of quiver gauge theories as seen from brane tilings," Prog. Theor. Phys. 117, 923-955 (2007), hep-th/0702049
  118. Kazushi Ueda and Masahito Yamazaki, "Dimer models for parallelograms," math.AG/0606548
  119. Kazushi Ueda and Masahito Yamazaki, "A note on dimer models and McKay quivers," Comm. Math. Phys. 301, 723-747 (2010), math.AG/0605780


  1. Call for Papers: "Special issue on cluster algebras in mathematical physics," J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 46, 400201 (2013), Guest Editors: Philippe Di Francesco, Michael Gekhtman, Atsuo Kuniba and Masahito Yamazaki

Conference Proceedings

  1. Masahito Yamazaki, "A New N=4 Membrane Action via Orbifold," Soryushiron Kenkyu 117, A58 (2009)
  2. Yosuke Imamura, Keisuke Kimura and Masahito Yamazaki, "Comments on orientifold of brane tilings," Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 23, 2299 (2008)
  3. Masahito Yamazaki, "Moduli Stabilization in Stringy ISS Models," Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 23, 2190-2191 (2008)
  4. Masahito Yamazaki, "Dimer, coamoeba and homological mirror symmetry," Hokkaido University Technical Report Series in Mathematics, 117, 20-24, (2007)
  5. Masahito Yamazaki, "Brane tilings, algae and quiver gauge theories --with application to homological mirror symmetry--," Soryushiron Kenkyu 114, F94 (2007)

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