ダークマターの正体は何か?- 広大なディスカバリースペースの網羅的研究

成果 公募研究:D03 理論研究

論文 2022年度
大木平,Moline Angeles,Sanchez-Conde Miguel A.,Aguirre-Santaella Alejandra,Ishiyama Tomoaki,Prada Francisco,Cora Sofia A.,Croton Darren,Jullo Eric,Metcalf R. Benton,Oogi Taira,Ruedas Jose、“ΛCDM halo substructure properties revealed with high-resolution and large-volume cosmological simulations”、Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society、2022.11、10.1093/mnras/stac2930、査読有、国際共著

会議等での発表 2022年度
大木平、“The role of the dark matter in the statistics of active galactic nuclei”、What is dark matter? 2022- Comprehensive study of the huge discovery space in dark matter、2023.3、国際会議
Oogi T.,Nagashima M.,Kawaguchi T.,Okamoto T.,Enoki M.,Ogura K.,Shirakata H.ν2GC collaboration, Uchuu collaboration、“Host galaxies of high-redshift quasars within the Uchuu-ν2GC semi-analytic model”、Tracing the SMBH growth: outlook beyond the HSC-SSP, and future collaborations、2022.11、国際会議
Oogi T.,Ishiyama T.,Prada F.,Sinha M.,Croton D.,Cora S.A.Uchuu collaboration,ν2GC collaboration、“Field variance forecasts of high redshift AGNs for future surveys with a semi-analytic model”、What drives the growth of black holes: a decade of reflection、2022.9、国際会議
大木平,長島雅裕,川口俊宏,岡本崇,榎基宏,小倉和幸,白方光,ν2GC collaboration、“準解析的モデルで探る高赤方偏移クエーサーの母銀河”、日本天文学会2022年秋季年会、2022.9
Oogi T.,Ishiyama T.,Prada F.,Croton D.,Sinha M.,Cora S.A.、“Field variance forecasts of high redshift AGNs with a semi-analytic model with the Uchuu simulation”、IAU Symposium 373: Resolving the Rise and Fall of Star Formation in Galaxies、2022.8、国際会議
Oogi T.,Ishiyama T.,Prada F.,Croton D.,Sinha M.,Cora S.A.、“Cosmic variance forecasts of high redshift AGNs with Uchuu-ν2GC”、COSPAR 2022 44th Scientific assembly E1.11: Supermassive Black Holes at High Redshift、2022.7、国際会議

