Scientific Presentations
Some recording of my talks are available from
my YouTube channel .
(2025/05/nn) Algebraic Lie Theory and Representation Theory 2025 (ALTReT 2025), 石川県青少年総合研修センター , May 23-26
"From Violations of the Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis to Quantum Simulation of Field Theories",
JST PRESTO meeting,
May. 13-15
(2025/04/nn) UTokyo physics colloquium
(2025/03/10) UTokyo-RIKEN-Keio quantum workshop, UTokyo Hongo, March 10
(2025/01/07) "Crystal Melting and Quiver Algebras"
video ),
Strings 2025 ,
Abu Dhabi, Jan. 6-10
"Ensemble Averaging in Quantum Gravity"
(slides ),
Hitoshi Fest ,
Kavli IPMU, Dec. 16-20
"Classical-Quantum Algorithms for Anomaly Detection"
(slides ),
QUPosium 2024 ,
Tsukuba, Dec. 9-11
"Vertex Operator Algebras as Chiralization of Quiver Varieties"
(abstract ),
Seoul-Tokyo Conference in Mathematics 2024 -Mathematical Physics- ,
KIAS, Nov. 29-30
"Combinatorics of Dimers and Plane Partitions" (abstract ),
Combinatorics @ Sendai ,
Tohoku University,
Nov. 21
"From Violations of the Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis to Quantum Simulation of Field Theories",
JST PRESTO meeting,
AP Osaka Yodoyabashi, Oct. 29-31
"Quantum Algorithms for Quantum Parton Showers", ICEPP informal seminar
"Jeffrey-Kirwan Residues and BPS Crystals/Algebras"
(abstract ),
Quantization in Representation Theory, Derived Algebraic Geometry,
and Gauge Theory ,
SwissMAP Research Station, Les Diablerets,
Sep. 15-20
"The Gauge/YBE Correspondence"
(poster ),
Boğaziçi University
"Tensor Networks and Renormalization Group Flows"
slides ),
Exact techniques and their applications -InTropea2024- ,
Tropea, Italy,
Sep. 2-6
"Quantum Parton Shower with Kinematics",
The XVIth Quark Confinement at the Hadron Spectrum Conference (QCHSC 2024)
(slides ),
Cairns Convention Centre, Cairns,
Aug. 19-24
"Topological-Holomorphic Quantum Field Theories", Factorization algebras and related topics , Hakone , Aug. 12-14
"On Superstring Vacua",
宇宙のダークサイド , Shimonoseki, Aug. 3-5
"From Countings to Algebras: A Tale of Calabi-Yau Geometries" (abstract and slides ),
Plenary lecture,
International Congress of Basic Science (ICBS) 2024,
Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications,
Jul. 14-26
"Factorization algebras and quantum field theories",
Lecture at UTokyo department of mathematics
(数学講究XB )
"3d N=4 Theories, Quiver Varieties and Vertex Operator Algebras",
String-Math 2024 ,
ICTP Trieste,
Jun. 10-14
Short presentation on CMB-S4,
CD3 Project Expo ,
Kavli IPMU
"Mathematics and Physics of Quantum Field Theories" (abstract
and videos:
Lec 1 ,
Lec 2 ,
Lec 3 ,
Lec 4 ),
Lectures at Mathematical Institute ,
Tohoku University
"What is the Mathematics of Quantum Mechanics?"
(abstract ,
and video ),
Colloquium at Mathematical Institute ,
Tohoku University
(2024/04/17) "From Violations of the Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis to Quantum Simulation of Field
Theories", JST PRESTO meeting, TKP Garden City PREMIUM Sendai West Exit, Apr. 16-18
"Quantum Error Corrections and Topolgoical Quantum Field Theories",
poster presentation at the Moonshot Meeting,
Bellesalle Akihabara,
Mar. 27-28
Informal journal club, Kavli IPMU
"Topics on Quantum Simulations of Integrability and Beyond"
(abstract ),
Exactly Solved Models and
Quantum Computation ,
Lorentz Center, Leyden,
Mar. 18-22
"Quandles and Topological Quantum Field Theories
" (abstract and slides ),
Knot theory, Geometric Lie group theory and their applications
2023 ,
Tokyo University of Science (Kagurazaka campus),
Mar. 13-14
"Updates on C01" (slides ),
Dark Matter Symposium ,
YITP, Kyoto,
Mar. 7-8
"Quantum Algorithms for Quantum Parton Showers"
(abstact ),
IBM Quantum Manhattan
Theta-Vacua of 4d Pure Yang-Mills Theories” ,
Energy Theory Seminar ,
PCTS, Princeton Unviersity
"String Theory for Our Universe" (abstract and slides ),
Present and Future of Particle Physics ,
KEK, Dec. 21-23
"Quantum Veto Algorithm for Monte Carlo Simulations",
The 49th Quantum Information Technology Symposium
(QIT49) ,
OIST, Dec. 17-19
"Quiver Yangians and Donaldson-Thomas Invariants"
(abstract ), Mathematical Sciences Colloquium, UNIST
"From Violations of the Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis to Quantum Simulation of Field Theories",
JST PRESTO meeting,
L stay & grow Minami Sunamachi,
Nov. 20-21
"Gravitational Positivity for Phenomenologists" (abstract ),
Southampton High-Energy Physics Group Seminar ,
University of Southampton
"Emergent Global Symmetries in Holography for Swamplanders"
and slides ), Swampland Seminar Series ,
"Hitchin Moduli Space and 4d Chern-Simons Theory" (video ),
Complex Lagrangians,
Mirror Symmetry, and Quantization ,
Banff International Research Station,
Oct. 16-20
"Gravitational Positivity for Dark Gauge Bosons"
(slides ),
The 3rd Asian-European-Institutes Workshop for BSM ,
Hotel Tenbo, Ikaho,
Oct. 3-6
"Eisenstein Series and Ensemble Averages in Holography"
(slides and video ),
Number theory, machine learning and quantum black holes ,
Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, University of Cambridge
Oct. 2-6
(2023/09/18) "Quantum Veto Parton Shower"
(slides and video ),
Foundations and Developments of Quantum
Information Theory , Sep. 18-22,
(a part of
Quantum Information, Quantum Matter and Quantum Gravity ,
YITP, Kyoto University,
Sep. 4 - Oct. 6)
(2023/09/06) "Quiver Yangians and Crystal Meltings" (slides
and abstract ),
Thirteenth Joburg Workshop on String Theory ,
Rural Facility of the
University of the Witwatersrand ,
Sep. 3-8
(2023/08/15, 18) "Quivers and Integrability",
Four lectures at KITS-ShanghaiTech summer school , Aug. 7-18
"Quantum and Classical Algorithms for Parton Showers",
34th IUPAP Conference on Computational Physics (CCP2023) (slides and video ),
Kobe International Conference Center,
Aug. 4-8
(2023/08/07) "Discrete and Continuous Integrable Models from Four Dimensions" (slides and video ),
StatPhys28 ([T1-07A-03] ),
University of Tokyo, Aug. 7-11
"Quantum Field Theory in Mathematics"
(slides and video ),
Colloquium at Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences
(abstract ),
University of Tokyo
(2023/07/14) "Gravitational Positivity for Dark Gauge Bosons"
(slides ),
The Dark Side of the Universe ,
EAIFR-ICTP, July 10-14
(2023/06/28) "Questions in Fractons and Subsystem Symmetries",
Exotic Phases, Gauge Field
Theories, and Dynamics in Systems with Constraints , Aspen Center for Physics
(2023/06/27) "Simulating Integrable Models",
Exotic Phases, Gauge Field
Theories, and Dynamics in Systems with Constraints , Aspen Center for Physics
(2023/06/20) "Discretization of Integrable Quantum Field Theories from 4d Chern-Simons Theory",
IGST (Integrability in Gauge and String Theory) 2023
(slides and video ),
Zurich, Jun. 19-23
(2023/06/13) "Quantum Parton Showers"
(slides ),
Quantum Computing, Quantum Simulation, Quantum
Gravity and the Standard Model , IQuS , University of Washington
(2023/05/24) "Quantum Simulations of Integrable Models" (abstract and slides ),
Frontiers in Theoretical Physics ,
Landing Jeju Shinhwa World, Jeju ,
May 23-28
(2023/05/22) "Revisiting the Gauge/Bethe Correspondence" (abstract and slides ),
KIAS string
theory seminar
(2023/04/10) "Status Update",
JST meeting,
Tsukuba, Apr. 10-11
(2023/03/27, 28) "M5-branes and topological phases",
CREST tutorial workshop ,
Lectures Notes
(Lec1 ,
Lec2 ,
Lec3 )
and Videos
(Lec1 ,
Lec2 ,
Lec3 ),
online, Mar. 27-29
(2023/03/18) "Integrable Models and the Chern-Simons Theory",
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Mathematical
(slides ,
and proceedings ),
Chuo University, Mar. 15-18
(2023/03/08) "Dark Matter and Quantum Gravity: Status Update" (slides ),
Dark Matter Symposium ,
Kavli IPMU/online, Mar. 7-9
(2023/02/13) "BPS Algebras for Toric Calabi-Yau Manifolds",
Geometry and Automorphicity of Supersymmetric Partitions ,
Kavli IPMU, Feb. 13-17
(2023/01/25) "Relations between 4d SU(2) Yang-Mills and 2d CP^1 Model"
(slides ),
ISSP/IPMU/KEK joint workshop on "theta=pi" ,
ISSP, Jan. 25
(2022/12/01) "Gauge/Bethe Correspondence Revisited via Quiver BPS Algebras"
(abstract ),
Tsinghua University / online
(2022/11/15) "Quantum Simulations of Dark Sector Showers"
(slides ),
The 2nd Asian-European-Institutes Workshop for BSM + 10th KIAS
Workshop on Particle Physics and Cosmology ,
Jeju, Nov. 13-18
(2022/11/13) Discussion Session on Swampland Conjectures and Positivity,
Dark Matter and Quantum Gravity ,
Shimonoseki, Nov. 12-14
(2022/11/08) "Theoretical Engineering of Integrable Models from Extra Dimensions"
(abstract and
slides ),
2nd International Symposium on Trans-Scale Quantum Science
(TSQS2022) ,
University of Tokyo / online, Nov. 8-11
(2022/10/20) "Crystal Meltings Revisited"
(slides ),
Hirosifest @ Kavli IPMU ,
Kavli IPMU, Oct. 20-21
"From Violations of the Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis to Quantum Simulation of Field Theories",
JST PRESTO kickoff meeting,
JST, Oct. 18
(2022/09/02) Discussion session at the KITP program
"Integrability in String, Field and Condensed Matter
(2022/08/22) "Gauge/Bethe Correspondence Revisited"
(abstract ,
and video ),
Strings and Fields 2022 ,
YITP, Kyoto, Aug. 19-23
(2022/07/29) "Quiver Yangians and Crystal Melting",
online talk at
Invariants, Quantum Fields and String Theory Correspondences ,
Institut Mittag-Leffler,
Djursholm, Sweden, Jul. 25-29
(2022/04/19) "Elliptic Hypergeometric Integrals in Mathematics and Physics"
(video ,
abstract ),
SCGP Weekly Talk
(2022/03/30) "C01 group Progress/Status Report" (slides ), Dark Matter Symposium ,
online, Mar. 29-30
(2022/03/11) "Success and Limitaions of Effective Field Theories"
(slides ),
統計物理懇談会 ,
online, Mar.10-11
(2022/02/09) "Exploring Theta-Vacua of Yang-Mills Theories"
(slides ),
Kavli IPMU Colloquium
(2022/02/04) 「場の量子論の数理」
(slides ),
colloquium ,
department of physics, University of Tokyo
(2021/10/18) "4d Chern-Simons Theory and the Yangian, II",
Mini-workshop: Three Facets of R-Matrices ,
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitute Oberwolfach
(2021/10/14) "Theta Vacua in 4d Yang-Mills Theories"
(video and
slides ),
Strings, Fields and Holograms , Ascona
(2021/08/31) "Quiver Yangians and Donaldson-Thomas Invariants"
(slides ), keynote speech,
68th geometry
symposium , Hokkaido Univ./online
(2021/08/10) 「場の理論の最近の発展から」
(abstract ),
原子核三者若手夏の学校 ,
(Lec1 ,
Lec2 ,
Lec3 ) and
Lectures Notes
(Lec1 ,
Lec2 ,
Lec3 ),
online, Aug. 6-10
(2021/08/05) "Quiver Yangians"
(slides ),
International Congress on Mathematical Physics ,
invited talk in the thematic session "Integrable Systems", Geneva, Aug. 2-7
(2021/07/05-09) 名古屋大学多元数理集中講義 ,
シラバス ,
Lecture Notes
(Lec1 ,
Lec2 ,
Lec3 ,
Lec4 ,
Lec5 ,
Lec6 )
(2021/07/01) Lectures on surface codes, quantum simulation study group
(2021/03/22) "Quiver Yangians"
(slides ),
"Randomness, Integrability and Representation Theory in
Quantum Field Theory" ,
NITEP/OCAMI, Osaka City University (online), March 22-25
(2021/03/17) Lectures on swampland conjectures
(slides ),
若手による重力・宇宙論研究会 2021 ,
Kyoto YITP/online, Mar. 17-19
(2021/02/06) "C01: Ultimate Theory"
(slides ),
Dark Matter Symposium , Kavli IPMU/online
(2021/01/22) "Analytic Continuation Beyond Infinity"
(slides ) and
"Is N=2 Large?" (slides )
(also video for the two talks),
Quantum Matter in Mathematics and Physics
seminar ,
Harvard CMSA/online
(2020/12/08) study group, IPMU
(2020/11/12) "Swampland and Cosmology",
AAPPS-DACG Workshop on Astrophysics, Cosmology and
Gravitation ,
(2020/10/26) "Quiver Yangians and Crystal Melting"
(abstract ,
video ),
Berkeley String-Math seminar (online)
(2020/09/25) "Large N and Small N in Yang-Mills"
(slides ),
Potential Toolkit to
Attack Nonperturbative Aspects of QFT--Resurgence and related topics--, YITP/online
(2020/06/22) informal talk at IPMU
(2020/03/21) "Topological Charges in Lattice Gauge Theories"
(abstract ),
The 3rd Univ. Ryukyus
International Symposium of Theoretical and Computational Science (RIS-TCS 2020) -Frontier of Physics and
Chemistry- ,
Mar. 20-22, Ryukyu Univ
(2020/02/13) "Chiral Potts Models, Gauge Theories and Beyond",
Baxter2020 ,
ANU, Feb. 11-14
(2020/02/10) "Integrability and gauge theory",
Baxter 2020:
Introductory Blackboard Lectures , ANU
(2020/02/07) "Integrability and four-dimensional Chern-Simons theory"
(slides ),
ANZAMP 2020 ,
Tweed Heads, Feb. 5-7
(2020/01/23) "Fundamental Forces of Nature and Swampland Conjectures",
seminar ,
Tohoku university
(2020/01/18,19,20,21) "Lectures 1-4: Integrability (and Knots) from Chern-Simons Theory" and "Lecture 5:
Minimalistic Introduction to the Swampland",
Kavli Asian Winter School 2020 , Tohoku
University, Jan. 12-22
(2019/12/06) "Swampland Phenomenology"
(slides ),
KEK Theory Workshop 2019 , KEK, Dec. 3-6
(2019/11/12) "Electrweak Quintessense Axion in Light of Swampland Conjectures"
(video ),
Joint Quantum Fields
Strings + Cosmology Seminar , Perimeter Institute
(2019/10/02) "Integrable Models and the Four-Dimensional Chern-Simons Theory"
(abstract ),
Colloquium at Graduate School of Mathematica, Nagoya
(2019/10/01) "Quantum Gravity and Swampland Conjectures"
(slides ),
Physics Department Colloqium ,
Nagoya university
(2019/09/30-10/02) "Swampland Conjectures and Phenomenology",
10-hour Lecture Series , Nagoya university
(2019/09/24) "Axions and Swampland Conjectures"
(slides ),
International Workshop on New Physics at the Low Energy Scales
(NEPLES 2019) ,
KIAS, Sep. 23-27
(2019/09/23) "A New Class of Integrable Field Theories"
(slides ),
KIAS-YITP workshop 2019 , KIAS, Sep. 23-27
(2019/09/20) "Four-Dimensional Origin of Integrability"
(slides ),
New Trends in Integrable Systems 2019 , Osaka City University,
Sep. 9-20
(2019/09/01) "Is Gravity the Weakest Force?"
(slides ),
Pacific 2019 ,
Moorea, Sep. 1-6
(2019/08/26,27,29) "Integrability and Perturbative Quantum Field Theory" (4-hour lecture),
Algebraic structures in quantum field theory ,
Hamburg, Aug. 26-30
(2019/08/19) "A New Class of Integrable Field Theories",
Exact computations in AdS/CFT ,
CERN, Aug. 19-30
(2019/08/14) "Electroweak Quintessence Axion as Dark Energy"
(slides ),
15th Rencontres du Vietnam: Cosmology ,
ICISE, Quy Nhon, Aug. 11-17
(2019/08/02) "Swampland Conjectures"
(slides ),
Progress of Particle Physics 2019 ,
YITP, Kyoto, Jul. 29-Aug. 2
(2019/07/01) "Electroweak Quintessence Axion and Swampland Conjectures"
(slides ), plenary talk,
PASCOS 2019 ,
Manchester, Jul. 1-5
(2019/06/20) "Discrete Painleve Equation and Supersymmetric Gauge Theories",
Workshop on geometric correspondences of
gauge theories IX ,
SISSA/ICTP, Jun. 17-21
(2019/06/04) "Integrable Field Theories from Four-dimensional Chern-Simons Theory"
(video ),
Pollica Summer Workshop 2019 ,
Pollica, Jun. 3-21
(2019/04/30) "Tau-function for Lens-Elliptic Discrete Painleve Equation"
(slides ),
Geometry and Integrable Systems , Dijon, Apr. 29-May 3
(2019/04/26) "WZW-type Theories from Four-Dimensional Chern-Simons Theory",
quantum fields and strings seminar, Perimeter institute
(2019/03/20) "From Swampland to Phenomenology and Back",
Rencontres de Moriond ,
La Thuile, Italy, EW session: Mar. 16-23
(2019/03/02) "Quantum Chaos", OIST workshop
“Quantum Math" ,
Mar. 2-3
(2019/02/19) "Integrability from Four-dimensional Chern-Simons Theory",
IRTG Hamburg-Tokyo preparatory workshop,
Univ. Hamburg, Feb. 18-22
(2019/02/04) "Discrete Painleve Equation and Four-dimensional Gauge Theories",
Representation theory, gauge theory, and integrable
systems ,
Kavli IPMU, Feb. 4-8
(2019/01/30) National University of Singapore (visiting professor)
(2019/01/16) "Tau-functions for the 'Lens-Elliptic' Discrete Painleve Equation",
Kobe Seminar on Integrable Systems
(2019/01/08) "Partial Mirror Symmetry and Chern-Simons Theory",
Tsinghua Workshop on Mirror
Symmetry and Related Topics 2019 ,
Tsinghua Sanya International Mathematics Forum, Sanya,
Jan. 7-11
(2018/12/12) "Introduction to Four-Dimensional Chern-Simons Theory",
IAS group meeting
(2018/10/23) Informal discussion on swampland conjectures, Kavli IPMU
(2018/10/18) "Quantization of OSp(1|2)_C Super Chern-Simons Spin TQFT",
IPMU String Lunch
(2018/09/17) "Do We Live in the Swampland?",
ITP, Chinese Academy of Sciences
(2018/09/16) "Supersymmetry Enhancement in Three Dimensions",
Tsinghua Summer Workshop on Geometry and Physics
2018 ,
Yau Mathematical Sciences Center, Tsinghua university,
Sep. 14-16
(2018/09/03, 04) "Integrability from 4d Chern-Simons Theory",
Correspondences of Gauge Theories , ESI, Vienna
(2018/08/17-19) "Complex Chern-Simons Theory"
(video 1 ,
video 2 ,
video 3 ),
Summer School 数理物理 2018 , Komaba
(2018/08/09) "Integrability from Four-Dimensional Chern-Simons Theory"
(video presentation),
"Integrable Systems in Mathematics, Condensed Matter
and Statistical Physics" ,
ICTS, Bangalore
(2018/08/02) Discussion on swampland conjectures, Kavli IPMU
(2018/06/26) "Integrable field theories from 4d Chern-Simons theory"
(slides and
video ),
Strings 2018 ,
OIST, Okinawa
(2018/06/18) "Integrability as Duality",
(slides ),
String-Math 2018 ,
Tohoku university
(2018/03/19) "Polology of Superconformal Blocks",
Bootstrap Approach to Conformal Field Theories and Applications ,
OIST , Okinawa
(2018/03/13) "Gauge Theory and Integrability"
(slides ),
Rikkyo MathPhys 2018 ,
Rikkyo University
(2018/03/06) "All-order volume conjecture for closed 3-manifolds",
Quantum Knot Homology and Supersymmetric Gauge Theories ,
Aspen Center for Physics
(2018/02/16) "Pure Natural Inflation"
(slides ),
Pacific 2018 ,
Kiroro Resort, Hokkaido
(2017/11/17) "Gauge Theory and Integrability",
two lectures at High Energy Theory
Seminar ,
"From 4d Yang-Mills to 2d CP^{N-1} model",
Resurgent Asymptotics in Physics and Mathematics ,
(2017/10/30) "Stokes Graphs, Quivers and BPS Graphs"
(video ),
Resurgence in Gauge and String Theory ,
(2017/09/25) "Pure Natural Inflation", Keio University,
topological science project
(2017/08/28) "Integrable Lattice Models from Four-dimensional Gauge Theory",
String Math seminar ,
UC Berkeley
(2017/08/24,25) "Integrability lattice models from four-dimensional gauge theory",
Tokyo-Berkeley Summer School
representation theory and mathematical physics" ,
Berkeley, Aug. 21-25
(2017/08/18) "From 4d Yang-Mills to 2d CP^{N−1} model: IR problem and confinement at weak coupling", KEK theory
(2017/05/11) "Integrable Lattice Models from Four-dimensional Gauge Theory",
IPMU string lunch
(2017/02/28) "Integrable Lattice Models from Gauge Theory",
workshop on quantum fields, knots and integrable
systems ,
ICMS , Edinburgh,
Feb. 27-Mar. 3
(2017/02/21) "Integrable Lattice Models from Four-dimensional Gauge Theory",
mathematical physics seminar,
Harvard University
(2017/02/15) "Geometry of 3-manifolds and Complex Chern-Simons Theory",
colloquim at center for mathematical sciences and applications , Harvard University
(2016/12/20) "Quantum Discrete Toda Theory and Quantum Cluster Algebra",
Quivers, cluster algebra and mathematical
physics ,
Institute of Mathematical Science, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Dec. 19-22
(2016/12/15) "Spectral Networks and BPS Quivers", workshop "Resurgence at Kavli IPMU"
(2016/12/07) "Supersymmetric Gauge Theories and Yang-Baxter Equation",
colloquium "Gauge theory, star-triangle relation and elliptic hypergeometric integrals", University of Tokyo,
(2016/11/04) "Integrability Revisited from Four-dimensional Gauge Theory",
String Family In-House Luncheon,
Harvard University
(2016/10/17) "Taming Integrability with Four-Dimensional Gauge Theory",
HET seminar, Brown university
(2016/10/12) Journal club, Harvard university
(2016/10/03) "Conformal Blocks and Verma Modules",
mathematical physics seminar ,
Harvard University
(2016/09/14) "Integrability from Four-Dimensional Gauge Theory",
Workshop on Geometric correspondence of Gauge Theories" ,
ICTP, Sep. 12-16
(2016/09/06) "Quantum hyperbolic geometry and cluster 3d N=2 theories",
Workshop on Volume Conjecture and Quantum Topology ,
Waseda University, Sep. 6-9
(2016/08/31-09/03) Lecture Series at
Chubu Summer School ,
Tokai University Lake Yamanaka Seminar House
(2016/08/19) "Untitled",
susyiTHES2016 ,
RIKEN, Aug. 17-19
(2016/07/06, 13, 08/08, 24) resurgence study group, IPMU
(2016/06/28) "Determinant Formulas for SCFTs and Their Applications",
Seminar at Rikkyo University
(2016/05/25) "Discrete Liouville",
IAS Physics Groups Meeting
(2016/05/10) "Mirror Symmetry, Integrability and Quivers",
FRG workshop "Special Holonomy Geometry,
Mirror, and Supersymmetry" ,
Harvard University, May 9-10
(2016/05/07) "QFT 4.0", PCTS 10th anniversary celebration,
Princeton University, May 6-7
(2016/05/03) "Determinant Formulas for General SCFTs",
Seminar at Princeton U.
(2016/04/25) "Conformal Blocks and Conformal Groups",
invited to Texas A&M
(2016/03/17) "Chaos and Scrambling in AdS and CFT",
String Lunch Meeting, Kavli IPMU
(2016/03/16, 28) Resurgence study group,
Kavli IPMU
(2016/02/19) "Comments on
Representation Theory for Higher-Dimensional CFTs" ,
YITP, Kyoto Universtiy
(2015/12/28) "Knots in 3d-3d Correspondence",
talk at "Master Lectures
Mathematical Physics: Edward Witten" ,
Sanya, China
(2015/11/26) "Supersymmetric Defects in 3d N=2 Theory and 3d SL(N, C)
Chern-Simons Theory",
Invited to University of Hamburg,
string theory seminar
(2015/11/24) "Supersymmetric Defects in 3d-3d Correspondence",
Invited to AEI,
(2015/11/12) "Supersymmetric Defects in 3d-3d Correspondence",
Theoretical Physics
King's College
(2015/11/11) "Introduction to 3d N=2 Theories", Strings Junior series,
University of Oxford
(2015/11/05) "Supersymmetric Defects in 3d-3d Correspondence",
Rencontres theoriciennes, Paris
(2015/10/28) "Knots in 3d-3d Correspondence",
Invited to Imperial College,
string theory seminar
(2015/10/12) "Defects in 3d/3d Correspondence",
string theory seminar,
University of Oxford
(2015/09/11) Informal journal club talk at IPMU
(2015/07/31) "Dilogarithm Identities and Cluster Algebras",
Lecture at Tokyo-Berkeley Summer
"Geometry and Mathematical Physics" , Jul. 21-31
(2015/07/21) "Yang-Baxter Duality" ,
Invited to Baxter 2015: Exactly Solved Models & Beyond, Palm Cove,
(2015/07/16) "Gauge/YBE Correspondence" (video ),
Invited to IGST 2015 ,
King's College, London, Jul. 13-17
(2015/06/04) "Spin TQFT and Fermionic SPT",
string lunch seminar at Kavli IPMU
(2015/05/19) "Theory Space",
Invited to Particle Theory Group,
Osaka University
(2015/05/01) "Recursion Relation for Conformal Blocks",
IAS High Energy Theory Seminar
(2015/04/22) "Recursion Relation for Conformal Blocks",
invited to Particle Theory group
of Chicago University
(2015/04/08-09) "Integrability as Duality"
(video ),
Invited to Berkeley
Math-Physics Meeting ,
UC Berkeley, Apr. 8-9
(2015/03/26) "Conformal Blocks: Representation Theory and Recursion Relation",
Invited to Duke University /
University of North Carolina String Theory Seminar
(2015/02/21-22) "Quantum
Field Theory Revisited" (in Japanese) ,
invited talk at closing workshop of
lab ,
(2015/02/06) "Defect Field Theory from Branes", Lunch Seminar,
Invited to Nagoya U
(2015/01/29) "Polology of Conformal Blocks for D>2 CFTs" ,
Invited to
KEK theory workshop 2015 ,
(2014/12/21) "Integrability and Cluster Algebras from 2d Quivers",
Strings, Quivers and Cluster Algebras in
Mathematical Physics
(part of a longer program ),
KIAS, Dec. 18-22
(2014/12/05) "Recursion Relation for Conformal Blocks",
High Energy Theory Seminar
at Caltech theory group
(2014/09/23) "Integrability in
Scattering Amplitudes"
(movie ),
invited to "Autumn Symposium on String/M
Theory" ,
KIAS, Sep. 22-26
(2014/09/18) "Revisiting Hanany-Witten from Defect Field Theory",
invited to Geometric Correspondences of Gauge Theories
IV ,
SISSA, Sep. 15-19
(2014/09/09, 10, 11) "Cluster Algebras in Supersymmetric Gauge Theories",
invited lecturer, Summer School on Cluster Algebras in
Mathematical Physics ,
Nagoya University, Sep. 9-11
(2014/08/08) "Yang-Baxter Duality",
invited talk at 2014 Simons Summer Workshop in Mathematics
(movie part 1 and
part 2 ), Jul. 31-Aug. 12
(2014/07/18) "Yang-Baxter Equation from SUSY Gauge Theories"
(slides and
video ),
invited talk at Integrability in Gauge &
String Theory (IGST 2014) ,
DESY, Hamburg, Jul. 14-18
(2014/07/11) "Determinant formula for General CFTs",
invited talk at Back to the Bootstrap IV ,
University of Porto, Jul. 2014
(2014/03/12) "3d N=2 from 4d N=4",
physics group meeting, IAS
(2014/02/26) "3d N=2 Revisited from 4d N=4" ,
New Methods in Nonperturbative Quantum Field
Theory ,
KITP, Mar. 19- Apr. 11
(2014/01/28) "Integrability 2.0",
informal hep-th journal club, Princeton University
(2014/01/21) "Boundaries and
Defects in 4d N=4 SYM" ,
Invited to Perimeter Institute
(2013/12/11-18) Invited to National Taiwan University
(2013/12/18) "Integrability as Gauge Duality"
(2013/12/13-14) "Geometry of 3d N=2 Theories",
lectures at the 6th Taiwan String
Workshop ,
NTU, Taiwan, Dec. 12-15; videos available in youtube:
[Lec I-1 ,
Lec I-2 ,
Lec II-1 ,
Lec II-2 ,
Lec II-3 ,
Lec III-1 ,
Lec III-2 ,
Lec III-3 ]
(2013/11/14) "How I came to love brane tilings",
invited talk at "Brane Tilings 2013" ,
Chicheley, UK, Nov. 13-15
(2013/10/30) "4d N=1 SCFTs from the Positive Grassmannian",
Invited to Brown University HET seminar
(2013/09/13) "Integrability as Gauge Theory Duality",
invited talk at "Workshop on Geometric
Correspondences of Gauge Theories" ,
ICTP, Italy, Sep. 9-13
(2013/09/05) "Integrability as Gauge Theory Duality",
Kavli IPMU Workshop on Gauge and
String Theory
(2013/08/22) "BPS Boundary Conditions in 4d N=4 Theory",
String lunch talk, IPMU
(2013/06/18) "Gauge/YBE correspondence"
(slides ),
invited to pre-Strings meeting ,
KIAS, Jun. 17-21
(2013/05/22-24) Invited to N=2 Jeometry And ApplicationZ
workshop Part II ,
McGill University, Canada, May 22-24
(2013/05/22) "3d Chern-Simons Theory from M5-branes"
(2013/05/24) "4d Lens Indices from S-duality"
(2013/04/17) "(Non-)Geometry of SCFTs",
invited to "Topics in Holography, Supersymmetry and Higher Derivatives" , Taxas
(2013/04/10) "BPS boundary conditions in N=4 Super Yang-Mills Theory",
invited to IAS group meeting
(2013/01/15) "5d N=1 SCFTs Revisited",
Seminar at Tokyo Institute
(2013/01/12) "3-manifold Cookbook",
"Exact Results in SUSY Gauge
Theories and Integrable Systems" (slides ),
invited talk at Rikkyo University ,
Jan. 12-14
(2013/01/08-10) Lecture
series at RIMS , Kyoto Univ.
(2012/10/12) "Bottom-up 4d/2d for 4d N=1 Quivers",
seminar at Nagoya U.
(2012/10/10) "New Perspectives on SCFTs" ,
mathematics and string theory seminar, invited to Kavli IPMU
(2012/10/4) "Geometric Gauge Theories",
seminar at Chuo U.
(2012/10/2) "Towards Gauge/Yang-Baxter Correspondence",
Invited to Yukawa International Seminar (YKIS) 2012,
Gauge/Gravity Duality ,
Kyoto, Sep. 24- Oct. 26
(2012/09/19) "Domain Walls and Their Gravity Duals",
invited to Geometric correspondences of
theories (II) ,
Trieste, Sep. 17-21
(2012/09/13) "Geometric Gauge Theories",
Plenary Talk at Japanese Physical Society
fall meeting , 13aSF-1,
(2012/08/30) "Quantum Dilogs and Elliptic Gammas in Gauge Theories",
invited talk at "New perspectives in topological field
theories" ,
Hamburg, Aug. 27-31
(2012/07/30) "Networks, Grasmannians and SCFTs"
(video1 , videos2 ),
invited talk at 2012 Summer Simons Workshop in Mathematics
Physics , "Superconformal Theories in Diverse Dimensions",
Stony Brook, Jul. 30--Aug. 17
(2012/07/27) "Networks, Quivers and 3-manifolds"
video ),
invited plenary talk at Strings
2012 ,
Munich, Jul. 23-28
(2012/07/18) "Network and Seiberg Duality", Aspen Center for Physics,
Exact Results in Gauge Theory and
Their Applications ,
Jul. 1- 22
(2012/03/29) "Quantum Point Contact and Beyond",
PCTS lunch talk
(2012/03/14) "3-manifolds from 4d superconformal index",
High Energy Theory Seminar ,
Princeton University
(2012/03/02) "Quivers, YBE and 3-manifolds"
(video ),
Invited to
"New perspectives on supersymmetric gauge
theories" ,
LMU Munich, Feb. 27- Mar. 2
(2012/02/21) "Z[3d gauge theory]=Z[3-manifold]"
(video and audio) ,
Invited to Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences,
Mathematics and Applications of Branes in String and
M-theory ,
Feb. 12-26
(2012/02/14) Informal lunch talk at Princeton University
"4d Superconformal Index on Lens Space" ,
Invited to "Classical and Quantum Integrable Systems" ,
Dubna, Russia, Jan. 23-27
(2012/01/06) Informal Talk at IPMU, "3d gauge theories and 3-manifolds"
(2011/12/15-22) Caltech
(12/19) "Walls, Teichmuller and 3-manifolds", seminar
(2011/12/06-08) Invited to Brown University
(12/07) "3-manifolds and 3d gauge theories",
(2011/11/20-21) Invited to University of Michigan,
(2011/11/17) Invited to University of Minnesota,
"3d SUSY gauge theories and 3-manifolds"
(2011/11/3-5) Invited to University of Cincinnati and
University of Kentucky
(11/3) "Superconformal Index, Partition Function and Quantum Mechanics",
seminar at U. Kentucky
(11/5) "3d/3d from scratch", SPOCK meeting
(2011/10/02) "6=3+3", talk at PCTS retreat
(2011/09/25-10/04) Invited to SISSA,
Geometric Correspondences of Gauge Theories
(09/30) "Aspects of 3d/3d Relation"
(2011/09/01-10) Perimeter Institute
(2011/08/09-12) Invited talk at
Summer Institute 2011 , Fuji-Yoshida, Japan
(2011/07/25-08/05) Simons Summer Workshop in Mathematics
Physics 2011 ,
"Integrable Structures and Low Dimensional Geometries", Stony Brook
(7/26) "3d Susy Gauge Theories and Hyperbolic Geometry",
(part I ,
part II )
(2011/07/11-22) Nonperturbative Effects
and Dualities in QFT and Integrable Systems ,
(2011/06/06-11)String-Math 2011 , Univ. Pennsylvania
(06/08) Contributed Talk, "Hyperbolic Volume from Gauge Theories on Duality Walls",
abstract ,
slides ,
(2011/05/30-31) IPMU
(2011/05/24-27) CQUEST, Sogang University,
(05/26) "3d/3d and 3d/1d analogs of AGT relation",
invited to
Spring String
Workshop ,
CQUEST, Korea, May 25-26
(2011/04/13) "SL(2,R) Chern-Simons, Liouville, and Gauge Theories on Duality Walls",
IAS Physics Group Meeting
(2011/02/07-08) Math/Physics Research Group , Univ. Pennsylvania
(2010/11/30) Lunch talk, high energy theory group, Princeton University
(2010/09/15) "Quantum Black Holes and Crystal Melting", PCTS retreat
(2010/08/23) "Donaldson-Thomas invariants, wall-crossing and
matrix models" ,
Derived category, Mirror symmetry and McKay correspondence seminar, IPMU
(2010/06/16) "Dimer, crystal, free fermion and wall-crossing",
invited talk at Developments in Quantum Integrable
Systems ,
RIMS, Jun. 14-16
(2010/05/09-11) Mathematics Institute, Oxford
(2010/04/28-05/08) LPTHE, Univ. Paris (invited as a federation
(2010/04/22-27) CERN Theory Division ,
(2010/04/18-21) Univ. Munich, Arnold Sommerfeld
Center for Theoretical Physics
(2010/04/21) "topics in wall crossing and crystal melting",
(2010/04/14-17) DESY Theory Group
(2010/04/15) "BPS wall crossing and crystal melting",
(2010/03/08-10) Invited to UT Austin Theory Group
"BPS Wall Crossing and Crystal Melting"
(2010/02/13-17) "amoeba, coamoeba and non-commutative Donaldson-Thomas invariants",
Conference on Tropical Geometry and Mirror Symmetry ,
(2010/02/09) "Crystal Melting and Wall Crossing Phenomena",
invited talk at UCLA
(2010/01/26) PhD defense, Univ. Tokyo
(2010/01/07) Informal seminar at Quantum Information
Group, U. Tokyo
(2009/11/04) "BPS wall crossing and crystal melting",
invited talk at USC
(2009/10/11-15) Invited to Berkeley Center for Theoretical Physics
(2009/10/13) "Developments in Wall Crossing and Crystal Melting", Seminar
(2009/09/14,15) Seminar
Series at Nagoya U.
(2009/09/10-09/13) Annual meeting of JPS (Sep.
10-13) ,
Konan Univ.,
(2009/09/11) Sakura Schafer-Nameki, Masahito Yamazaki and Kentaroh Yoshida, "Coset Construction for Duals of
Non-relativistic CFTs", 11aSH-6
(2009/09/11) Hirosi Ooguri and Masahito Yamazaki, "Crystal Melting and BPS State Counting", 11pSH-1
(2009/09/13) Masahito Yamazaki, "Generalized Lie 3-algebras and Octonions", 13aSH-3
(2009/09/08-09) Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics
(2009/09/09) "developments in wall crossing phenomena",
(2009/08/27) "Wall Crossing Formula and Crystal Melting",
another talk at IPMU String Theory
Informal Seminar
(2009/08/11) "Wall Crossing and M-theory",
invited talk at Simons Workshop in Mathematics
Physics 2009 ,
"Strings, Dark Matter, and the Geometry of Particle Phenomenology",
audio file
(in MP3 ,
RealAudio ,
WMA ),
Simons Center for Geometry and Physics , Stony Brook, Jul. 27 -
(2009/06/18) "Non-commutative Donaldson-Thomas theory, wall crossing and black holes",
IPMU String Theory Informal
(2009/05/21) "Crystal Melting and Wall Crossing Phenomena",
Focus Week on New Invariants and Wall
Crossing ,
IPMU, May 18-22
(2009/05/13) "Crystal Melting and Wall Crossing Phenomena",
seminar at Komaba
(2009/05/11) "Crystal Melting and Wall Crossing Phenomena",
seminar at Hongo
(2009/04/28) Hsinchu string group , seminar: "Moduli
Stabilization in Stringy ISS Models",
(2009/04/29-05/03) National Taiwan Normal University
(04/27) "Coset Construction for Duals of Non-relativistic Backgrounds", Seminar at NTNU
(2009/04/22-04/28) National Taiwan University ,
string theory group at Taiwan
(04/24) "Crystal Melting and Wall Crossing Phenomena", Seminar at NTU
(2009/03/29) Annual meeting of JPS (Mar 27-30) ,
Rikkyo Univ.,
Kazushi Ueda and Masahito Yamazaki, "quiver Chern-Simons-matter theories and AdS4/CFT3 correspondence"
(29pXF-6) (presented by myself)
(2009/03/16-20) Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics
(2009/02/25) "Melting Toric Calabi-Yaus",
Caltech high energy theory journal club
(2009/02/09-14) Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
(2009/02/04-02/09) Harvard University
(2009/01/31-02/03) Princeton
(2009/01/26) "Crystal Melting and Toric Calabi-Yau Manifolds",
seminar at UCLA
(2008/12/08-11) Michigan Center for Theoretical Physics
(2008/12/01-05) University of Wisconsin, Madison
(2008/11/11) High energy theory informal
at Caltech
(2008/10/07) High energy theory informal
at Caltech
JPS Annual meeting , Sep. 20-23
Hiroyuki Fuji, Seiji Terashima and Masahito Yamazaki, "A New N=4 Membrane Action via Orbifold" (22pSP-1)
(2008/08/28-09/04), Invited to Korea Institute for Advanced Study
(2008/08/29, 09/02) "Heterotic-F theory revisited (I) , (II) "
(2008/07/30) "A New N=4 Membrane Action via Orbifold",
YITP workshop -Developments in quantum field theory and string
theory- ,
1-min. introduction and
proceeding in English
(2008/07/08) "Intersecting Solitons, Amoeba and Tropical Geometry",
seminar at Osaka Univ. ,
abstract in Japanese
(2008/07/01) "A New N=4 Membrane Action via Orbifold",
seminar at Rikkyo Univ.
(2008/06/18) "Brane Tilings", seminar at Komaba, Univ. Tokyo,
abstract ,
(2008/05/29) "Quivers, brane tilings and toric Calabi-Yau/Sasaki-Einstein geometry",
IPMU math seminar ,
(2008/04/15-05/15) Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics
(2008/03/26) "Moduli Stabilization in Stringy ISS Models"
(Yu Nakayama, Masahito Yamazaki and T.T. Yanagida, presented by myself),
The 63th Annual meeting of JPS
(program) ,
26aZD-8, Kinki Univ., Mar. 22-26
(2008/02/21) "Categorification of Knot Polynomials, Topological Strings and Refined Topological Vertex",
Invited talk at 5th Kinosaki Newcomers
Seminar ,
Feb. 18-21,
(2008/02/14) "Intersecting Solitons, Amoeba and Tropical Geometry",
Invited talk at Black hole, Sasaki-Einstein and
AdS/CFT correspondence , Yubara,
Feb. 14-16
(2007/12/22) "Moduli Stabilization in Stringy ISS Models",
RIKEN symposium,
Quantum field theories and their
symmetries ,
(2007/12/08) "Moduli Stabilization in Stringy ISS Models", International Workshop
"Progress of String Theory and Quantum
Theory" , Osaka City University, Dec.7-10
slides and
proceeding ,
published in Int.
Mod. Phys. A, Vol. 23, (2008) , pp2190-2191
(2007/11/27) "Moduli Stabilization in Stringy ISS Models",
seminar at KIAS ,
(2007/11/20-29) string theory group at Seuol national
(2007/10/31) "Moduli Stabilization in Stringy ISS Models",
seminar at department of physics, Kyoto Univ. ,
abstract in English
(2007/10/26) "AdS/CFT correspondence for Sasaki-Einstein manifolds",
Invited talk at
the 13th International Symposium on
Complex Geometry ,
Sugadaira, Oct. 24-27
(2007/09/24) Kazushi Ueda and Masahito Yamazaki,
"Proof of Homological Mirror Symmetry by Brane Tilings",
presented by myself, 24aZF-8,
abstract in Japanese ;
Annual meeting of JPS ,
Hokkaido Univ. Sep. 20-24
(2007/08/26) "coamoeba and homological mirror symmetry for toric orbifolds of toric del Pezzo surfaces",
invited talk at 4th geometry symposium ,
Aug. 24-27, Kagoshima Univ.;
proceeding in Japanese
(2007/06/11) Informal discussion on dimers and quiver
gauge theories , partially based on arXiv:0705.1645
(2007/06/06) What AdS/CFT correspondence tells us about Sasaki-Einstein geometry",
Tokyo Geometry Seminar ,
Abstract in Japanese
(2007/06/01) "Introduction to brane tilings",
Seminar at Kanazawa Univ. ,
abstract in Japanese
(2007/05/21) Journal Club at Math. Dept.,
Nagoya Univ. on
(2007/05/10) "Deformation of brane tilings vs. exactly marginal deformation of quiver gauge theories",
seminar at Tohoku Univ. ,
abstract in Japanese ;
Transparency in Japanese
(2007/04/20) Duality seminar at Hongo,
"Non-supersymmetric Black Holes and Topological Strings", Saraikin and Vafa: hep-th/0703214
(2007/03/27) Annual meeting of JPS, Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.
Yosuke Imamura, Hiroshi Isono, Keisuke Kimura and Masahito Yamazaki, "on the moduli spaces of tilings"
(27aSL-1), presented by K. Kimura,
abstract (written by K. Kimura)
(2007/03/13) "Brane Tiling Gives Rigorous Proof of Homological Mirror Symmetry for Toric Del Pezzo Surfaces",
Poster Presentation,
KEK theory workshop ,
(2007/03/06) "What is brane tiling?" ,
Graduate Lectures in Sapporo & Winter School in
Niseko ‘ 07 ,
Feb. 28-Mar. 08
(2007/02/23) "Exactly marginal deformation of quiver gauge theories as seen from brane tilings",
invited talk at
Nagoya String Theory Workshop 2007 ,
Feb. 23-24
(2007/02/22) "Recent developments in the theory of toric Sasaki-Einstein manifolds",
4th Kinosaki Newcomers Seminar ,
Feb. 19-22,
abstract in Japanese;
proceeding in Japanese
(2007/02/13) "Dimer, Coamoeba and Homological Mirror Symmetry",
The 3rd COE Conference for Young
Researchers ,
Hokkaido Univ., Feb. 13-16,
Proceeding , in Hokkaido University technical report series in
mathematics, No. 117, pp20-24
(2007/01/26) "Brane Tilings and Homological Mirror Symmetry",
seminar at
(2006/12/06) "Brane tilings and homological mirror symmetry", Seminar at Tokyo Institute of Technology ,
abstract ,
transparency (pdf)
(2006/10/27) "Sasaki-Einstein manifolds and Z-minimization as geometric dual of a-maximization",
Invited talk at
the 12th International Symposium on
Complex Geometry ,
Oct. 25-28, Sugadaira,
(2006/09/22)"Brane tilings and algae",
seminar at research group for mathematical
physics at Osaka City University ,
abstract in Japanese ,
(2006/09/21) Kazushi Ueda and Masahito Yamazaki
Autumn Meeting of Japanese Mathematical
Society ,
Sep. 2006, Osaka City Univ.
(2006/09/14) Poster Contribution,
YITP workshop--- String Theory and Quantum Field Theory" ,
Sep. 12-16, abstract ,
(2006/08/09) "Brane Tilings and Quiver Gauge Theories",
Summer School for Students 2006 ,
Kijimadaira, Aug. 05-10,
abstract in Japanese
(2006/02/23) Review on brane tilings,
special lecture 2006 at
University of Shizuoka
"Kerr Black Hole and Sasaki-Einstein Geometry" by Prof. Yasui, Feb. 21-23
(2005/11/??) Duality Seminar at Hongo, based on "Quivers, tilings, branes and rhombi",
(2005/09/??) Short informal talk on a-maximization, Sasaki-Einstein and brane tilings,
Infinite Analysis seminar
at Tambara
(2005/03/04) "Khovanov (co)homology and Topological Strings", Seminar at
Padova Univ. ,
(2005/02/22) Duality Seminar at Hongo, "Khovanov (co)homology and Topological Strings",
based on hep-th/0412243
Last modified on Sunday, 12-Jan-2025 06:31:03 JST
Copyright © 2002--2025
by Masahito YAMAZAKI. All rights reserved.