Scientific Presentations

Some recording of my talks are available from my YouTube channel.


  1. (2025/05/nn) Algebraic Lie Theory and Representation Theory 2025 (ALTReT 2025), 石川県青少年総合研修センター, May 23-26
  2. (2025/05/nn) "From Violations of the Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis to Quantum Simulation of Field Theories", JST PRESTO meeting, May. 13-15
  3. (2025/04/nn) UTokyo physics colloquium
  4. (2025/03/10) UTokyo-RIKEN-Keio quantum workshop, UTokyo Hongo, March 10
  5. (2025/01/07) "Crystal Melting and Quiver Algebras" (slides and video), Strings 2025, Abu Dhabi, Jan. 6-10


  1. (2024/12/19) "Ensemble Averaging in Quantum Gravity" (slides), Hitoshi Fest, Kavli IPMU, Dec. 16-20
  2. (2024/12/09) "Classical-Quantum Algorithms for Anomaly Detection" (slides), QUPosium 2024, Tsukuba, Dec. 9-11
  3. (2024/11/30) "Vertex Operator Algebras as Chiralization of Quiver Varieties" (abstract), Seoul-Tokyo Conference in Mathematics 2024 -Mathematical Physics-, KIAS, Nov. 29-30
  4. (2024/11/21) "Combinatorics of Dimers and Plane Partitions" (abstract), Combinatorics @ Sendai, Tohoku University, Nov. 21
  5. (2024/10/30) "From Violations of the Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis to Quantum Simulation of Field Theories", JST PRESTO meeting, AP Osaka Yodoyabashi, Oct. 29-31
  6. (2024/10/23) "Quantum Algorithms for Quantum Parton Showers", ICEPP informal seminar
  7. (2024/09/18) "Jeffrey-Kirwan Residues and BPS Crystals/Algebras" (abstract), Quantization in Representation Theory, Derived Algebraic Geometry, and Gauge Theory, SwissMAP Research Station, Les Diablerets, Sep. 15-20
  8. (2024/09/12) "The Gauge/YBE Correspondence" (poster), Boğaziçi University
  9. (2024/09/04) "Tensor Networks and Renormalization Group Flows" (abstract and slides), Exact techniques and their applications -InTropea2024-, Tropea, Italy, Sep. 2-6
  10. (2024/08/21) "Quantum Parton Shower with Kinematics", The XVIth Quark Confinement at the Hadron Spectrum Conference (QCHSC 2024) (slides), Cairns Convention Centre, Cairns, Aug. 19-24
  11. (2024/08/13) "Topological-Holomorphic Quantum Field Theories", Factorization algebras and related topics, Hakone, Aug. 12-14
  12. (2024/08/03) "On Superstring Vacua", 量子重力の視点で探る 宇宙のダークサイド, Shimonoseki, Aug. 3-5
  13. (2024/07/18) "From Countings to Algebras: A Tale of Calabi-Yau Geometries" (abstract and slides), Plenary lecture, International Congress of Basic Science (ICBS) 2024, Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications, Jul. 14-26
  14. (2024/07/10) "Factorization algebras and quantum field theories", Lecture at UTokyo department of mathematics (数学講究XB)
  15. (2024/06/10) "3d N=4 Theories, Quiver Varieties and Vertex Operator Algebras", String-Math 2024, ICTP Trieste, Jun. 10-14
  16. (2024/05/10) Short presentation on CMB-S4, CD3 Project Expo, Kavli IPMU
  17. (2024/04/23-26) "Mathematics and Physics of Quantum Field Theories" (abstract and videos: Lec 1, Lec 2, Lec 3, Lec 4), Lectures at Mathematical Institute, Tohoku University
  18. (2024/04/22) "What is the Mathematics of Quantum Mechanics?" (abstract, slides and video), Colloquium at Mathematical Institute, Tohoku University
  19. (2024/04/17) "From Violations of the Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis to Quantum Simulation of Field Theories", JST PRESTO meeting, TKP Garden City PREMIUM Sendai West Exit, Apr. 16-18
  20. (2024/03/28) "Quantum Error Corrections and Topolgoical Quantum Field Theories", poster presentation at the Moonshot Meeting, Bellesalle Akihabara, Mar. 27-28
  21. (2024/03/25) Informal journal club, Kavli IPMU
  22. (2024/03/20) "Topics on Quantum Simulations of Integrability and Beyond" (abstract), Exactly Solved Models and Quantum Computation, Lorentz Center, Leyden, Mar. 18-22
  23. (2024/03/14) "Quandles and Topological Quantum Field Theories " (abstract and slides), Knot theory, Geometric Lie group theory and their applications 2023, Tokyo University of Science (Kagurazaka campus), Mar. 13-14
  24. (2024/03/08) "Updates on C01" (slides), Dark Matter Symposium, YITP, Kyoto, Mar. 7-8
  25. (2024/02/28) "Quantum Algorithms for Quantum Parton Showers" (abstact), IBM Quantum Manhattan
  26. (2024/02/19) “Exploring Theta-Vacua of 4d Pure Yang-Mills Theories”, High Energy Theory Seminar, PCTS, Princeton Unviersity


  1. (2023/12/22) "String Theory for Our Universe" (abstract and slides), Present and Future of Particle Physics, KEK, Dec. 21-23
  2. (2023/12/17) "Quantum Veto Algorithm for Monte Carlo Simulations", The 49th Quantum Information Technology Symposium (QIT49), OIST, Dec. 17-19
  3. (2023/11/30) "Quiver Yangians and Donaldson-Thomas Invariants" (abstract), Mathematical Sciences Colloquium, UNIST
  4. (2023/11/21) "From Violations of the Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis to Quantum Simulation of Field Theories", JST PRESTO meeting, L stay & grow Minami Sunamachi, Nov. 20-21
  5. (2023/11/03) "Gravitational Positivity for Phenomenologists" (abstract), Southampton High-Energy Physics Group Seminar, University of Southampton
  6. (2023/10/30) "Emergent Global Symmetries in Holography for Swamplanders" (abstract and slides), Swampland Seminar Series, online
  7. (2023/10/18) "Hitchin Moduli Space and 4d Chern-Simons Theory" (video), Complex Lagrangians, Mirror Symmetry, and Quantization, Banff International Research Station, Oct. 16-20
  8. (2023/10/06) "Gravitational Positivity for Dark Gauge Bosons" (slides), The 3rd Asian-European-Institutes Workshop for BSM, Hotel Tenbo, Ikaho, Oct. 3-6
  9. (2023/10/05) "Eisenstein Series and Ensemble Averages in Holography" (slides and video), Number theory, machine learning and quantum black holes, Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, University of Cambridge Oct. 2-6
  10. (2023/09/18) "Quantum Veto Parton Shower" (slides and video), Foundations and Developments of Quantum Information Theory, Sep. 18-22, (a part of Quantum Information, Quantum Matter and Quantum Gravity, YITP, Kyoto University, Sep. 4 - Oct. 6)
  11. (2023/09/06) "Quiver Yangians and Crystal Meltings" (slides and abstract), Thirteenth Joburg Workshop on String Theory, Rural Facility of the University of the Witwatersrand, Sep. 3-8
  12. (2023/08/15, 18) "Quivers and Integrability", Four lectures at KITS-ShanghaiTech summer school, Aug. 7-18
  13. (2023/08/08) "Quantum and Classical Algorithms for Parton Showers", 34th IUPAP Conference on Computational Physics (CCP2023) (slides and video), Kobe International Conference Center, Aug. 4-8
  14. (2023/08/07) "Discrete and Continuous Integrable Models from Four Dimensions" (slides and video), StatPhys28 ([T1-07A-03]), University of Tokyo, Aug. 7-11
  15. (2023/07/21) "Quantum Field Theory in Mathematics" (slides and video), Colloquium at Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences (abstract), University of Tokyo
  16. (2023/07/14) "Gravitational Positivity for Dark Gauge Bosons" (slides), The Dark Side of the Universe, EAIFR-ICTP, July 10-14
  17. (2023/06/28) "Questions in Fractons and Subsystem Symmetries", Exotic Phases, Gauge Field Theories, and Dynamics in Systems with Constraints, Aspen Center for Physics
  18. (2023/06/27) "Simulating Integrable Models", Exotic Phases, Gauge Field Theories, and Dynamics in Systems with Constraints, Aspen Center for Physics
  19. (2023/06/20) "Discretization of Integrable Quantum Field Theories from 4d Chern-Simons Theory", IGST (Integrability in Gauge and String Theory) 2023 (slides and video), Zurich, Jun. 19-23
  20. (2023/06/13) "Quantum Parton Showers" (slides), Quantum Computing, Quantum Simulation, Quantum Gravity and the Standard Model, IQuS, University of Washington
  21. (2023/05/24) "Quantum Simulations of Integrable Models" (abstract and slides), Frontiers in Theoretical Physics, Landing Jeju Shinhwa World, Jeju, May 23-28
  22. (2023/05/22) "Revisiting the Gauge/Bethe Correspondence" (abstract and slides), KIAS string theory seminar
  23. (2023/04/10) "Status Update", JST meeting, Tsukuba, Apr. 10-11
  24. (2023/03/27, 28) "M5-branes and topological phases", CREST tutorial workshop, Lectures Notes (Lec1, Lec2, Lec3) and Videos (Lec1, Lec2, Lec3), online, Mar. 27-29
  25. (2023/03/18) "Integrable Models and the Chern-Simons Theory", Annual Meeting of the Japanese Mathematical Society (slides, and proceedings), Chuo University, Mar. 15-18
  26. (2023/03/08) "Dark Matter and Quantum Gravity: Status Update" (slides), Dark Matter Symposium, Kavli IPMU/online, Mar. 7-9
  27. (2023/02/13) "BPS Algebras for Toric Calabi-Yau Manifolds", Geometry and Automorphicity of Supersymmetric Partitions, Kavli IPMU, Feb. 13-17
  28. (2023/01/25) "Relations between 4d SU(2) Yang-Mills and 2d CP^1 Model" (slides), ISSP/IPMU/KEK joint workshop on "theta=pi", ISSP, Jan. 25


  1. (2022/12/01) "Gauge/Bethe Correspondence Revisited via Quiver BPS Algebras" (abstract), Tsinghua University / online
  2. (2022/11/15) "Quantum Simulations of Dark Sector Showers" (slides), The 2nd Asian-European-Institutes Workshop for BSM + 10th KIAS Workshop on Particle Physics and Cosmology, Jeju, Nov. 13-18
  3. (2022/11/13) Discussion Session on Swampland Conjectures and Positivity, Dark Matter and Quantum Gravity, Shimonoseki, Nov. 12-14
  4. (2022/11/08) "Theoretical Engineering of Integrable Models from Extra Dimensions" (abstract and slides), 2nd International Symposium on Trans-Scale Quantum Science (TSQS2022), University of Tokyo / online, Nov. 8-11
  5. (2022/10/20) "Crystal Meltings Revisited" (slides), Hirosifest @ Kavli IPMU, Kavli IPMU, Oct. 20-21
  6. (2022/10/18) "From Violations of the Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis to Quantum Simulation of Field Theories", JST PRESTO kickoff meeting, JST, Oct. 18
  7. (2022/09/02) Discussion session at the KITP program "Integrability in String, Field and Condensed Matter Theory"
  8. (2022/08/22) "Gauge/Bethe Correspondence Revisited" (abstract, slides and video), Strings and Fields 2022, YITP, Kyoto, Aug. 19-23
  9. (2022/07/29) "Quiver Yangians and Crystal Melting", online talk at Enumerative Invariants, Quantum Fields and String Theory Correspondences, Institut Mittag-Leffler, Djursholm, Sweden, Jul. 25-29
  10. (2022/04/19) "Elliptic Hypergeometric Integrals in Mathematics and Physics" (video, abstract), SCGP Weekly Talk
  11. (2022/03/30) "C01 group Progress/Status Report" (slides), Dark Matter Symposium, online, Mar. 29-30
  12. (2022/03/11) "Success and Limitaions of Effective Field Theories" (slides), 統計物理懇談会, online, Mar.10-11
  13. (2022/02/09) "Exploring Theta-Vacua of Yang-Mills Theories" (slides), Kavli IPMU Colloquium
  14. (2022/02/04) 「場の量子論の数理」 (slides), colloquium, department of physics, University of Tokyo


  1. (2021/10/18) "4d Chern-Simons Theory and the Yangian, II", Mini-workshop: Three Facets of R-Matrices, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitute Oberwolfach
  2. (2021/10/14) "Theta Vacua in 4d Yang-Mills Theories" (video and slides), Strings, Fields and Holograms, Ascona
  3. (2021/08/31) "Quiver Yangians and Donaldson-Thomas Invariants" (slides), keynote speech, 68th geometry symposium, Hokkaido Univ./online
  4. (2021/08/10) 「場の理論の最近の発展から」 (abstract), 原子核三者若手夏の学校, Videos (Lec1, Lec2, Lec3) and Lectures Notes (Lec1, Lec2, Lec3), online, Aug. 6-10
  5. (2021/08/05) "Quiver Yangians" (slides), International Congress on Mathematical Physics, invited talk in the thematic session "Integrable Systems", Geneva, Aug. 2-7
  6. (2021/07/05-09) 名古屋大学多元数理集中講義, シラバス, Lecture Notes (Lec1, Lec2, Lec3, Lec4, Lec5, Lec6)
  7. (2021/07/01) Lectures on surface codes, quantum simulation study group
  8. (2021/03/22) "Quiver Yangians" (slides), "Randomness, Integrability and Representation Theory in Quantum Field Theory", NITEP/OCAMI, Osaka City University (online), March 22-25
  9. (2021/03/17) Lectures on swampland conjectures (slides), 若手による重力・宇宙論研究会 2021, Kyoto YITP/online, Mar. 17-19
  10. (2021/02/06) "C01: Ultimate Theory" (slides), Dark Matter Symposium, Kavli IPMU/online
  11. (2021/01/22) "Analytic Continuation Beyond Infinity" (slides) and "Is N=2 Large?" (slides) (also video for the two talks), Quantum Matter in Mathematics and Physics seminar, Harvard CMSA/online


  1. (2020/12/08) study group, IPMU
  2. (2020/11/12) "Swampland and Cosmology", AAPPS-DACG Workshop on Astrophysics, Cosmology and Gravitation, APCTP/online
  3. (2020/10/26) "Quiver Yangians and Crystal Melting" (abstract, slides and video), Berkeley String-Math seminar (online)
  4. (2020/09/25) "Large N and Small N in Yang-Mills" (slides), Potential Toolkit to Attack Nonperturbative Aspects of QFT--Resurgence and related topics--, YITP/online
  5. (2020/06/22) informal talk at IPMU
  6. (2020/03/21) "Topological Charges in Lattice Gauge Theories" (abstract), The 3rd Univ. Ryukyus International Symposium of Theoretical and Computational Science (RIS-TCS 2020) -Frontier of Physics and Chemistry-, Mar. 20-22, Ryukyu Univ
  7. (2020/02/13) "Chiral Potts Models, Gauge Theories and Beyond", Baxter2020, ANU, Feb. 11-14
  8. (2020/02/10) "Integrability and gauge theory", Baxter 2020: Introductory Blackboard Lectures, ANU
  9. (2020/02/07) "Integrability and four-dimensional Chern-Simons theory" (slides), ANZAMP 2020, Tweed Heads, Feb. 5-7
  10. (2020/01/23) "Fundamental Forces of Nature and Swampland Conjectures", GPPU seminar, Tohoku university
  11. (2020/01/18,19,20,21) "Lectures 1-4: Integrability (and Knots) from Chern-Simons Theory" and "Lecture 5: Minimalistic Introduction to the Swampland", Kavli Asian Winter School 2020, Tohoku University, Jan. 12-22


  1. (2019/12/06) "Swampland Phenomenology" (slides), KEK Theory Workshop 2019, KEK, Dec. 3-6
  2. (2019/11/12) "Electrweak Quintessense Axion in Light of Swampland Conjectures" (video), Joint Quantum Fields and Strings + Cosmology Seminar, Perimeter Institute
  3. (2019/10/02) "Integrable Models and the Four-Dimensional Chern-Simons Theory" (abstract), Colloquium at Graduate School of Mathematica, Nagoya University
  4. (2019/10/01) "Quantum Gravity and Swampland Conjectures" (slides), Physics Department Colloqium, Nagoya university
  5. (2019/09/30-10/02) "Swampland Conjectures and Phenomenology", 10-hour Lecture Series, Nagoya university
  6. (2019/09/24) "Axions and Swampland Conjectures" (slides), International Workshop on New Physics at the Low Energy Scales (NEPLES 2019), KIAS, Sep. 23-27
  7. (2019/09/23) "A New Class of Integrable Field Theories" (slides), KIAS-YITP workshop 2019, KIAS, Sep. 23-27
  8. (2019/09/20) "Four-Dimensional Origin of Integrability" (slides), New Trends in Integrable Systems 2019, Osaka City University, Sep. 9-20
  9. (2019/09/01) "Is Gravity the Weakest Force?" (slides), Pacific 2019, Moorea, Sep. 1-6
  10. (2019/08/26,27,29) "Integrability and Perturbative Quantum Field Theory" (4-hour lecture), Algebraic structures in quantum field theory, Hamburg, Aug. 26-30
  11. (2019/08/19) "A New Class of Integrable Field Theories", Exact computations in AdS/CFT, CERN, Aug. 19-30
  12. (2019/08/14) "Electroweak Quintessence Axion as Dark Energy" (slides), 15th Rencontres du Vietnam: Cosmology, ICISE, Quy Nhon, Aug. 11-17
  13. (2019/08/02) "Swampland Conjectures" (slides), Progress of Particle Physics 2019, YITP, Kyoto, Jul. 29-Aug. 2
  14. (2019/07/01) "Electroweak Quintessence Axion and Swampland Conjectures" (slides), plenary talk, PASCOS 2019, Manchester, Jul. 1-5
  15. (2019/06/20) "Discrete Painleve Equation and Supersymmetric Gauge Theories", Workshop on geometric correspondences of gauge theories IX, SISSA/ICTP, Jun. 17-21
  16. (2019/06/04) "Integrable Field Theories from Four-dimensional Chern-Simons Theory" (video), Pollica Summer Workshop 2019, Pollica, Jun. 3-21
  17. (2019/04/30) "Tau-function for Lens-Elliptic Discrete Painleve Equation" (slides), Geometry and Integrable Systems, Dijon, Apr. 29-May 3
  18. (2019/04/26) "WZW-type Theories from Four-Dimensional Chern-Simons Theory", quantum fields and strings seminar, Perimeter institute
  19. (2019/03/20) "From Swampland to Phenomenology and Back", Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, Italy, EW session: Mar. 16-23
  20. (2019/03/02) "Quantum Chaos", OIST workshop “Quantum Math", Mar. 2-3
  21. (2019/02/19) "Integrability from Four-dimensional Chern-Simons Theory", IRTG Hamburg-Tokyo preparatory workshop, Univ. Hamburg, Feb. 18-22
  22. (2019/02/04) "Discrete Painleve Equation and Four-dimensional Gauge Theories", Representation theory, gauge theory, and integrable systems, Kavli IPMU, Feb. 4-8
  23. (2019/01/30) National University of Singapore (visiting professor)
  24. (2019/01/16) "Tau-functions for the 'Lens-Elliptic' Discrete Painleve Equation", Kobe Seminar on Integrable Systems
  25. (2019/01/08) "Partial Mirror Symmetry and Chern-Simons Theory", Tsinghua Workshop on Mirror Symmetry and Related Topics 2019, Tsinghua Sanya International Mathematics Forum, Sanya, Jan. 7-11


  1. (2018/12/12) "Introduction to Four-Dimensional Chern-Simons Theory", IAS group meeting
  2. (2018/10/23) Informal discussion on swampland conjectures, Kavli IPMU
  3. (2018/10/18) "Quantization of OSp(1|2)_C Super Chern-Simons Spin TQFT", IPMU String Lunch
  4. (2018/09/17) "Do We Live in the Swampland?", ITP, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  5. (2018/09/16) "Supersymmetry Enhancement in Three Dimensions", Tsinghua Summer Workshop on Geometry and Physics 2018, Yau Mathematical Sciences Center, Tsinghua university, Sep. 14-16
  6. (2018/09/03, 04) "Integrability from 4d Chern-Simons Theory", Geometric Correspondences of Gauge Theories, ESI, Vienna
  7. (2018/08/17-19) "Complex Chern-Simons Theory" (video 1, video 2, video 3), Summer School 数理物理 2018, Komaba
  8. (2018/08/09) "Integrability from Four-Dimensional Chern-Simons Theory" (video presentation), "Integrable Systems in Mathematics, Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics", ICTS, Bangalore
  9. (2018/08/02) Discussion on swampland conjectures, Kavli IPMU
  10. (2018/06/26) "Integrable field theories from 4d Chern-Simons theory" (slides and video), Strings 2018, OIST, Okinawa
  11. (2018/06/18) "Integrability as Duality", (slides), String-Math 2018, Tohoku university
  12. (2018/03/19) "Polology of Superconformal Blocks", Symposium: Bootstrap Approach to Conformal Field Theories and Applications, OIST, Okinawa
  13. (2018/03/13) "Gauge Theory and Integrability" (slides), Rikkyo MathPhys 2018, Rikkyo University
  14. (2018/03/06) "All-order volume conjecture for closed 3-manifolds", Quantum Knot Homology and Supersymmetric Gauge Theories, Aspen Center for Physics
  15. (2018/02/16) "Pure Natural Inflation" (slides), Pacific 2018, Kiroro Resort, Hokkaido


  1. (2017/11/17) "Gauge Theory and Integrability", two lectures at High Energy Theory Seminar, Caltech
  2. (2017/11/15) "From 4d Yang-Mills to 2d CP^{N-1} model", Resurgent Asymptotics in Physics and Mathematics, KITP, UCSB
  3. (2017/10/30) "Stokes Graphs, Quivers and BPS Graphs" (video), Resurgence in Gauge and String Theory, KITP, UCSB
  4. (2017/09/25) "Pure Natural Inflation", Keio University, topological science project
  5. (2017/08/28) "Integrable Lattice Models from Four-dimensional Gauge Theory", String Math seminar, UC Berkeley
  6. (2017/08/24,25) "Integrability lattice models from four-dimensional gauge theory", Tokyo-Berkeley Summer School "Geometry, representation theory and mathematical physics", Berkeley, Aug. 21-25
  7. (2017/08/18) "From 4d Yang-Mills to 2d CP^{N−1} model: IR problem and confinement at weak coupling", KEK theory center
  8. (2017/05/11) "Integrable Lattice Models from Four-dimensional Gauge Theory", IPMU string lunch
  9. (2017/02/28) "Integrable Lattice Models from Gauge Theory", workshop on quantum fields, knots and integrable systems, ICMS, Edinburgh, Feb. 27-Mar. 3
  10. (2017/02/21) "Integrable Lattice Models from Four-dimensional Gauge Theory", mathematical physics seminar, Harvard University
  11. (2017/02/15) "Geometry of 3-manifolds and Complex Chern-Simons Theory", colloquim at center for mathematical sciences and applications, Harvard University


  1. (2016/12/20) "Quantum Discrete Toda Theory and Quantum Cluster Algebra", Quivers, cluster algebra and mathematical physics, Institute of Mathematical Science, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Dec. 19-22
  2. (2016/12/15) "Spectral Networks and BPS Quivers", workshop "Resurgence at Kavli IPMU"
  3. (2016/12/07) "Supersymmetric Gauge Theories and Yang-Baxter Equation", colloquium "Gauge theory, star-triangle relation and elliptic hypergeometric integrals", University of Tokyo, Komaba
  4. (2016/11/04) "Integrability Revisited from Four-dimensional Gauge Theory", String Family In-House Luncheon, Harvard University
  5. (2016/10/17) "Taming Integrability with Four-Dimensional Gauge Theory", HET seminar, Brown university
  6. (2016/10/12) Journal club, Harvard university
  7. (2016/10/03) "Conformal Blocks and Verma Modules", mathematical physics seminar, Harvard University
  8. (2016/09/14) "Integrability from Four-Dimensional Gauge Theory", Workshop on Geometric correspondence of Gauge Theories", ICTP, Sep. 12-16
  9. (2016/09/06) "Quantum hyperbolic geometry and cluster 3d N=2 theories", Workshop on Volume Conjecture and Quantum Topology, Waseda University, Sep. 6-9
  10. (2016/08/31-09/03) Lecture Series at Chubu Summer School, Tokai University Lake Yamanaka Seminar House
  11. (2016/08/19) "Untitled", susyiTHES2016, RIKEN, Aug. 17-19
  12. (2016/07/06, 13, 08/08, 24) resurgence study group, IPMU
  13. (2016/06/28) "Determinant Formulas for SCFTs and Their Applications", Seminar at Rikkyo University
  14. (2016/05/25) "Discrete Liouville", IAS Physics Groups Meeting
  15. (2016/05/10) "Mirror Symmetry, Integrability and Quivers", FRG workshop "Special Holonomy Geometry, Mirror, and Supersymmetry", Harvard University, May 9-10
  16. (2016/05/07) "QFT 4.0", PCTS 10th anniversary celebration, Princeton University, May 6-7
  17. (2016/05/03) "Determinant Formulas for General SCFTs", Seminar at Princeton U.
  18. (2016/04/25) "Conformal Blocks and Conformal Groups", invited to Texas A&M
  19. (2016/03/17) "Chaos and Scrambling in AdS and CFT", String Lunch Meeting, Kavli IPMU
  20. (2016/03/16, 28) Resurgence study group, Kavli IPMU
  21. (2016/02/19) "Comments on Representation Theory for Higher-Dimensional CFTs", YITP, Kyoto Universtiy


  1. (2015/12/28) "Knots in 3d-3d Correspondence", talk at "Master Lectures on Mathematical Physics: Edward Witten", Sanya, China
  2. (2015/11/26) "Supersymmetric Defects in 3d N=2 Theory and 3d SL(N, C) Chern-Simons Theory", Invited to University of Hamburg, string theory seminar
  3. (2015/11/24) "Supersymmetric Defects in 3d-3d Correspondence", Invited to AEI, info
  4. (2015/11/12) "Supersymmetric Defects in 3d-3d Correspondence", Theoretical Physics Group, King's College
  5. (2015/11/11) "Introduction to 3d N=2 Theories", Strings Junior series, University of Oxford
  6. (2015/11/05) "Supersymmetric Defects in 3d-3d Correspondence", Rencontres theoriciennes, Paris
  7. (2015/10/28) "Knots in 3d-3d Correspondence", Invited to Imperial College, string theory seminar
  8. (2015/10/12) "Defects in 3d/3d Correspondence", string theory seminar, University of Oxford
  9. (2015/09/11) Informal journal club talk at IPMU
  10. (2015/07/31) "Dilogarithm Identities and Cluster Algebras", Lecture at Tokyo-Berkeley Summer School "Geometry and Mathematical Physics", Jul. 21-31
  11. (2015/07/21) "Yang-Baxter Duality", Invited to Baxter 2015: Exactly Solved Models & Beyond, Palm Cove, Australia
  12. (2015/07/16) "Gauge/YBE Correspondence" (video), Invited to IGST 2015, King's College, London, Jul. 13-17
  13. (2015/06/04) "Spin TQFT and Fermionic SPT", string lunch seminar at Kavli IPMU
  14. (2015/05/19) "Theory Space", Invited to Particle Theory Group, Osaka University
  15. (2015/05/01) "Recursion Relation for Conformal Blocks", IAS High Energy Theory Seminar
  16. (2015/04/22) "Recursion Relation for Conformal Blocks", invited to Particle Theory group of Chicago University
  17. (2015/04/08-09) "Integrability as Duality" (video), Invited to Berkeley Math-Physics Meeting, UC Berkeley, Apr. 8-9
  18. (2015/03/26) "Conformal Blocks: Representation Theory and Recursion Relation", Invited to Duke University / University of North Carolina String Theory Seminar
  19. (2015/02/21-22) "Quantum Field Theory Revisited" (in Japanese), invited talk at closing workshop of Hashimoto lab, RIKEN
  20. (2015/02/06) "Defect Field Theory from Branes", Lunch Seminar, Invited to Nagoya U
  21. (2015/01/29) "Polology of Conformal Blocks for D>2 CFTs", Invited to KEK theory workshop 2015, KEK


  1. (2014/12/21) "Integrability and Cluster Algebras from 2d Quivers", Strings, Quivers and Cluster Algebras in Mathematical Physics (part of a longer program), KIAS, Dec. 18-22
  2. (2014/12/05) "Recursion Relation for Conformal Blocks", High Energy Theory Seminar at Caltech theory group
  3. (2014/09/23) "Integrability in Scattering Amplitudes" (movie), invited to "Autumn Symposium on String/M Theory", KIAS, Sep. 22-26
  4. (2014/09/18) "Revisiting Hanany-Witten from Defect Field Theory", invited to Geometric Correspondences of Gauge Theories IV, SISSA, Sep. 15-19
  5. (2014/09/09, 10, 11) "Cluster Algebras in Supersymmetric Gauge Theories", invited lecturer, Summer School on Cluster Algebras in Mathematical Physics, Nagoya University, Sep. 9-11
  6. (2014/08/08) "Yang-Baxter Duality", invited talk at 2014 Simons Summer Workshop in Mathematics and Physics (movie part 1 and part 2), Jul. 31-Aug. 12
  7. (2014/07/18) "Yang-Baxter Equation from SUSY Gauge Theories" (slides and video), invited talk at Integrability in Gauge & String Theory (IGST 2014), DESY, Hamburg, Jul. 14-18
  8. (2014/07/11) "Determinant formula for General CFTs", invited talk at Back to the Bootstrap IV, University of Porto, Jul. 2014
  9. (2014/03/12) "3d N=2 from 4d N=4", physics group meeting, IAS
  10. (2014/02/26) "3d N=2 Revisited from 4d N=4", New Methods in Nonperturbative Quantum Field Theory, KITP, Mar. 19- Apr. 11
  11. (2014/01/28) "Integrability 2.0", informal hep-th journal club, Princeton University
  12. (2014/01/21) "Boundaries and Defects in 4d N=4 SYM", Invited to Perimeter Institute


  1. (2013/12/11-18) Invited to National Taiwan University
  2. (2013/11/14) "How I came to love brane tilings", invited talk at "Brane Tilings 2013", Chicheley, UK, Nov. 13-15
  3. (2013/10/30) "4d N=1 SCFTs from the Positive Grassmannian", Invited to Brown University HET seminar
  4. (2013/09/13) "Integrability as Gauge Theory Duality", invited talk at "Workshop on Geometric Correspondences of Gauge Theories", ICTP, Italy, Sep. 9-13
  5. (2013/09/05) "Integrability as Gauge Theory Duality", Kavli IPMU Workshop on Gauge and String Theory
  6. (2013/08/22) "BPS Boundary Conditions in 4d N=4 Theory", String lunch talk, IPMU
  7. (2013/06/18) "Gauge/YBE correspondence" (slides), invited to pre-Strings meeting, KIAS, Jun. 17-21
  8. (2013/05/22-24) Invited to N=2 Jeometry And ApplicationZ workshop Part II, McGill University, Canada, May 22-24
  9. (2013/04/17) "(Non-)Geometry of SCFTs", invited to "Topics in Holography, Supersymmetry and Higher Derivatives", Taxas A&M.
  10. (2013/04/10) "BPS boundary conditions in N=4 Super Yang-Mills Theory", invited to IAS group meeting
  11. (2013/01/15) "5d N=1 SCFTs Revisited", Seminar at Tokyo Institute of Technology
  12. (2013/01/12) "3-manifold Cookbook", "Exact Results in SUSY Gauge Theories and Integrable Systems" (slides), invited talk at Rikkyo University, Jan. 12-14
  13. (2013/01/08-10) Lecture series at RIMS, Kyoto Univ.


  1. (2012/10/12) "Bottom-up 4d/2d for 4d N=1 Quivers", seminar at Nagoya U.
  2. (2012/10/10) "New Perspectives on SCFTs", mathematics and string theory seminar, invited to Kavli IPMU
  3. (2012/10/4) "Geometric Gauge Theories", seminar at Chuo U.
  4. (2012/10/2) "Towards Gauge/Yang-Baxter Correspondence", Invited to Yukawa International Seminar (YKIS) 2012, Gauge/Gravity Duality, Kyoto, Sep. 24- Oct. 26
  5. (2012/09/19) "Domain Walls and Their Gravity Duals", invited to Geometric correspondences of gauge theories (II), Trieste, Sep. 17-21
  6. (2012/09/13) "Geometric Gauge Theories", Plenary Talk at Japanese Physical Society fall meeting, 13aSF-1, abstract
  7. (2012/08/30) "Quantum Dilogs and Elliptic Gammas in Gauge Theories", invited talk at "New perspectives in topological field theories", Hamburg, Aug. 27-31
  8. (2012/07/30) "Networks, Grasmannians and SCFTs" (video1, videos2), invited talk at 2012 Summer Simons Workshop in Mathematics and Physics, "Superconformal Theories in Diverse Dimensions", Stony Brook, Jul. 30--Aug. 17
  9. (2012/07/27) "Networks, Quivers and 3-manifolds" (slides and video), invited plenary talk at Strings 2012, Munich, Jul. 23-28
  10. (2012/07/18) "Network and Seiberg Duality", Aspen Center for Physics, Exact Results in Gauge Theory and Their Applications, Jul. 1- 22
  11. (2012/03/29) "Quantum Point Contact and Beyond", PCTS lunch talk
  12. (2012/03/14) "3-manifolds from 4d superconformal index", High Energy Theory Seminar, Princeton University
  13. (2012/03/02) "Quivers, YBE and 3-manifolds" (video), Invited to "New perspectives on supersymmetric gauge theories", LMU Munich, Feb. 27- Mar. 2
  14. (2012/02/21) "Z[3d gauge theory]=Z[3-manifold]" (video and audio), Invited to Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Mathematics and Applications of Branes in String and M-theory, Feb. 12-26
  15. (2012/02/14) Informal lunch talk at Princeton University
  16. (2012/01/22-27) "4d Superconformal Index on Lens Space", Invited to "Classical and Quantum Integrable Systems", Dubna, Russia, Jan. 23-27
  17. (2012/01/06) Informal Talk at IPMU, "3d gauge theories and 3-manifolds"


  1. (2011/12/15-22) Caltech
  2. (2011/12/06-08) Invited to Brown University
  3. (2011/11/20-21) Invited to University of Michigan,
  4. (2011/11/17) Invited to University of Minnesota, FTPI
  5. (2011/11/3-5) Invited to University of Cincinnati and University of Kentucky
  6. (2011/10/02) "6=3+3", talk at PCTS retreat
  7. (2011/09/25-10/04) Invited to SISSA, Geometric Correspondences of Gauge Theories
  8. (2011/09/01-10) Perimeter Institute
  9. (2011/08/09-12) Invited talk at Summer Institute 2011, Fuji-Yoshida, Japan
  10. (2011/07/25-08/05) Simons Summer Workshop in Mathematics and Physics 2011, "Integrable Structures and Low Dimensional Geometries", Stony Brook
  11. (2011/07/11-22) Nonperturbative Effects and Dualities in QFT and Integrable Systems, KITP
  12. (2011/06/06-11)String-Math 2011, Univ. Pennsylvania
  13. (2011/05/30-31) IPMU
  14. (2011/05/24-27) CQUEST, Sogang University,
  15. (2011/04/13) "SL(2,R) Chern-Simons, Liouville, and Gauge Theories on Duality Walls", IAS Physics Group Meeting
  16. (2011/02/07-08) Math/Physics Research Group, Univ. Pennsylvania


  1. (2010/11/30) Lunch talk, high energy theory group, Princeton University
  2. (2010/09/15) "Quantum Black Holes and Crystal Melting", PCTS retreat
  3. (2010/08/23) "Donaldson-Thomas invariants, wall-crossing and matrix models", Derived category, Mirror symmetry and McKay correspondence seminar, IPMU
  4. (2010/06/16) "Dimer, crystal, free fermion and wall-crossing", invited talk at Developments in Quantum Integrable Systems, RIMS, Jun. 14-16
  5. (2010/05/09-11) Mathematics Institute, Oxford
  6. (2010/04/28-05/08) LPTHE, Univ. Paris (invited as a federation fellow)
  7. (2010/04/22-27) CERN Theory Division,
  8. (2010/04/18-21) Univ. Munich, Arnold Sommerfeld Center for Theoretical Physics
  9. (2010/04/14-17) DESY Theory Group
  10. (2010/03/08-10) Invited to UT Austin Theory Group
  11. (2010/02/13-17) "amoeba, coamoeba and non-commutative Donaldson-Thomas invariants", Conference on Tropical Geometry and Mirror Symmetry, abstract
  12. (2010/02/09) "Crystal Melting and Wall Crossing Phenomena", invited talk at UCLA
  13. (2010/01/26) PhD defense, Univ. Tokyo
  14. (2010/01/07) Informal seminar at Quantum Information Group, U. Tokyo


  1. (2009/11/04) "BPS wall crossing and crystal melting", invited talk at USC
  2. (2009/10/11-15) Invited to Berkeley Center for Theoretical Physics
  3. (2009/09/14,15) Seminar Series at Nagoya U.
  4. (2009/09/10-09/13) Annual meeting of JPS (Sep. 10-13), Konan Univ., Program
  5. (2009/09/08-09) Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics
  6. (2009/08/27) "Wall Crossing Formula and Crystal Melting", another talk at IPMU String Theory Informal Seminar
  7. (2009/08/11) "Wall Crossing and M-theory", invited talk at Simons Workshop in Mathematics and Physics 2009, "Strings, Dark Matter, and the Geometry of Particle Phenomenology", audio file (in MP3, RealAudio, WMA), Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, Stony Brook, Jul. 27 - Aug. 21
  8. (2009/06/18) "Non-commutative Donaldson-Thomas theory, wall crossing and black holes", IPMU String Theory Informal Seminar
  9. (2009/05/21) "Crystal Melting and Wall Crossing Phenomena", Focus Week on New Invariants and Wall Crossing , IPMU, May 18-22
  10. (2009/05/13) "Crystal Melting and Wall Crossing Phenomena", seminar at Komaba
  11. (2009/05/11) "Crystal Melting and Wall Crossing Phenomena", seminar at Hongo
  12. (2009/04/28) Hsinchu string group, seminar: "Moduli Stabilization in Stringy ISS Models", abstract
  13. (2009/04/29-05/03) National Taiwan Normal University
  14. (2009/04/22-04/28) National Taiwan University, string theory group at Taiwan
  15. (2009/03/29) Annual meeting of JPS (Mar 27-30), Rikkyo Univ., Program
  16. (2009/03/16-20) Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics
  17. (2009/02/25) "Melting Toric Calabi-Yaus", Caltech high energy theory journal club
  18. (2009/02/09-14) Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
  19. (2009/02/04-02/09) Harvard University
  20. (2009/01/31-02/03) Princeton University
  21. (2009/01/26) "Crystal Melting and Toric Calabi-Yau Manifolds", seminar at UCLA


  1. (2008/12/08-11) Michigan Center for Theoretical Physics
  2. (2008/12/01-05) University of Wisconsin, Madison
  3. (2008/11/11) High energy theory informal meeting at Caltech
  4. (2008/10/07) High energy theory informal meeting at Caltech
  5. (2008/09/22) JPS Annual meeting, Sep. 20-23
  6. (2008/08/28-09/04), Invited to Korea Institute for Advanced Study
  7. (2008/07/30) "A New N=4 Membrane Action via Orbifold", YITP workshop -Developments in quantum field theory and string theory-, Jul.28-Aug.01, 1-min. introduction and proceeding in English
  8. (2008/07/08) "Intersecting Solitons, Amoeba and Tropical Geometry", seminar at Osaka Univ., abstract in Japanese
  9. (2008/07/01) "A New N=4 Membrane Action via Orbifold", seminar at Rikkyo Univ.
  10. (2008/06/18) "Brane Tilings", seminar at Komaba, Univ. Tokyo, abstract, slides
  11. (2008/05/29) "Quivers, brane tilings and toric Calabi-Yau/Sasaki-Einstein geometry", IPMU math seminar, abstract
  12. (2008/04/15-05/15) Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics
  13. (2008/03/26) "Moduli Stabilization in Stringy ISS Models" (Yu Nakayama, Masahito Yamazaki and T.T. Yanagida, presented by myself), The 63th Annual meeting of JPS (program), 26aZD-8, Kinki Univ., Mar. 22-26
  14. (2008/02/21) "Categorification of Knot Polynomials, Topological Strings and Refined Topological Vertex", Invited talk at 5th Kinosaki Newcomers Seminar, Feb. 18-21, abstract
  15. (2008/02/14) "Intersecting Solitons, Amoeba and Tropical Geometry", Invited talk at Black hole, Sasaki-Einstein and AdS/CFT correspondence, Yubara, Feb. 14-16


  1. (2007/12/22) "Moduli Stabilization in Stringy ISS Models", RIKEN symposium, Quantum field theories and their symmetries, 2007/12/22(Sat)-23(Sun), poster
  2. (2007/12/08) "Moduli Stabilization in Stringy ISS Models", International Workshop "Progress of String Theory and Quantum Field Theory", Osaka City University, Dec.7-10 slides and proceeding, published in Int. J. Mod. Phys. A, Vol. 23, (2008), pp2190-2191
  3. (2007/11/27) "Moduli Stabilization in Stringy ISS Models", seminar at KIAS, slides
  4. (2007/11/20-29) string theory group at Seuol national university
  5. (2007/10/31) "Moduli Stabilization in Stringy ISS Models", seminar at department of physics, Kyoto Univ., abstract in English
  6. (2007/10/26) "AdS/CFT correspondence for Sasaki-Einstein manifolds", Invited talk at the 13th International Symposium on Complex Geometry, Sugadaira, Oct. 24-27
  7. (2007/09/24) Kazushi Ueda and Masahito Yamazaki, "Proof of Homological Mirror Symmetry by Brane Tilings", presented by myself, 24aZF-8, abstract in Japanese; Annual meeting of JPS, Hokkaido Univ. Sep. 20-24
  8. (2007/08/26) "coamoeba and homological mirror symmetry for toric orbifolds of toric del Pezzo surfaces", invited talk at 4th geometry symposium, Aug. 24-27, Kagoshima Univ.; proceeding in Japanese
  9. (2007/06/11) Informal discussion on dimers and quiver gauge theories, partially based on arXiv:0705.1645
  10. (2007/06/06) What AdS/CFT correspondence tells us about Sasaki-Einstein geometry", Tokyo Geometry Seminar, Abstract in Japanese
  11. (2007/06/01) "Introduction to brane tilings", Seminar at Kanazawa Univ., abstract in Japanese
  12. (2007/05/21) Journal Club at Math. Dept., Nagoya Univ. on hep-th/0703214
  13. (2007/05/10) "Deformation of brane tilings vs. exactly marginal deformation of quiver gauge theories", seminar at Tohoku Univ., abstract in Japanese; Transparency in Japanese
  14. (2007/04/20) Duality seminar at Hongo, "Non-supersymmetric Black Holes and Topological Strings", Saraikin and Vafa: hep-th/0703214
  15. (2007/03/27) Annual meeting of JPS, Tokyo Metropolitan Univ. (03/25-28)
  16. (2007/03/13) "Brane Tiling Gives Rigorous Proof of Homological Mirror Symmetry for Toric Del Pezzo Surfaces", Poster Presentation, KEK theory workshop, 2007/03/12-15, abstract
  17. (2007/03/06) "What is brane tiling?", Graduate Lectures in Sapporo & Winter School in Niseko ‘ 07, Feb. 28-Mar. 08
  18. (2007/02/23) "Exactly marginal deformation of quiver gauge theories as seen from brane tilings", invited talk at Nagoya String Theory Workshop 2007, Feb. 23-24
  19. (2007/02/22) "Recent developments in the theory of toric Sasaki-Einstein manifolds", 4th Kinosaki Newcomers Seminar, Feb. 19-22, abstract in Japanese; proceeding in Japanese
  20. (2007/02/13) "Dimer, Coamoeba and Homological Mirror Symmetry", The 3rd COE Conference for Young Researchers, Hokkaido Univ., Feb. 13-16, abstract
  21. (2007/01/26) "Brane Tilings and Homological Mirror Symmetry", seminar at KIAS


  1. (2006/12/06) "Brane tilings and homological mirror symmetry", Seminar at Tokyo Institute of Technology, abstract, transparency(pdf)
  2. (2006/10/27) "Sasaki-Einstein manifolds and Z-minimization as geometric dual of a-maximization", Invited talk at the 12th International Symposium on Complex Geometry, Oct. 25-28, Sugadaira,
  3. (2006/09/22)"Brane tilings and algae", seminar at research group for mathematical physics at Osaka City University, abstract in Japanese, transparency
  4. (2006/09/21) Kazushi Ueda and Masahito Yamazaki Autumn Meeting of Japanese Mathematical Society, Sep. 2006, Osaka City Univ.
  5. (2006/09/14) Poster Contribution, YITP workshop--- String Theory and Quantum Field Theory", Sep. 12-16, abstract,
  6. (2006/08/09) "Brane Tilings and Quiver Gauge Theories", Summer School for Students 2006, Kijimadaira, Aug. 05-10, abstract in Japanese
  7. (2006/02/23) Review on brane tilings, special lecture 2006 at University of Shizuoka "Kerr Black Hole and Sasaki-Einstein Geometry" by Prof. Yasui, Feb. 21-23


  1. (2005/11/??) Duality Seminar at Hongo, based on "Quivers, tilings, branes and rhombi", hep-th/0511063
  2. (2005/09/??) Short informal talk on a-maximization, Sasaki-Einstein and brane tilings, Infinite Analysis seminar at Tambara
  3. (2005/03/04) "Khovanov (co)homology and Topological Strings", Seminar at Padova Univ.,
  4. (2005/02/22) Duality Seminar at Hongo, "Khovanov (co)homology and Topological Strings", based on hep-th/0412243

Last modified on Sunday, 12-Jan-2025 06:31:03 JST
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